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☀️Aurora's POV ☀️

Dirty blonde stubble scattered his tightened jawline, Eric had shaved. He stares blankly at his juice, mindlessly rotating a spoon between his fingers whilst periodically taking small sips of his beverage. His hair was well groomed, a grey shirt pressing tightly into his chest, for inspections you had to look presentable.

Making my way to the table, I go to occupy the seat next to him.

"I'll just have a water." A long exaggerated sigh escapes my lips. Running my hands through my hair, groaning whilst mumbling a few incoherent words for the day ahead; I definitely wasn't and never would be a morning person.

"Maybe one morning you'll look pleased to see me." Chuckling gently at his remark, my uncle Scott tossed a bottle of water in my direction, narrowly missing my face.

"Eric got here earlier, he said he'd stay with you and Sapphire today."

Scott looked just like my father. His eyes were warm colourful hazelnuts; mostly dulled by the unrealistic pressures of our day to day farm life. Short thick brown hair, a slightly small nose, and a slender figure with an average height. He struggled to work, arthritis plagued his knees. I'd always try to do as much of his work as I could.

Eric let out a dry laugh, "if we ever get freedom, Aurora would just sleep. No exploring the world, no having fun, just sleep."

"Well if the beds comfy, why the hell not!? I've got up early enough mornings to last me a life time. The world can wait a while longer." I chucked lightly, it was best to keep the mood light with the inspection coming up soon.

Eric grins. "Whatever you say, luci."

A knowing smile tugs on Scott's lips.

Aurora refers to streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky, in a way I was glad my name reflected something so beautiful, so pure, but that still didn't stop Eric from twisting it into an irritating nickname.

Luci means lights.

Sapphire timidly enters the kitchen, her hair unkept, eyes glazed, yet there is a gigantic grin on her face.

"Ah luci, it's been a while since I've heard that." She giggled.

"Don't... Your suppose to be my ally." I whined.

"Ouch." Eric rolled his eyes playful, "I thought I was meant to be your side kick."

A harsh dryness enters my throat. Effortlessly I twisted the cap off my bottle of water and swigged back a few big gulps.

"In your dreams, buttercup." I couldn't hold back the snigger that rose up my throat.

Sapphire snorted. Stumbling into Eric she grabs his biceps to steady herself.

"Buttercup?" He splutters, coughing down a gulp of coffee; his eyes glistening.

"Small and slippery like your fighting skills yesterday." I teased.

My tongue glided over the next sentence easily, "but, I don't think bright yellows your colour."

Eric's eyes widened, he'd been rendered speechless.

"Nicely done." Scott shrugged, beaming from ear to ear. He enjoyed these chats, they made him temporarily forget about what lurked outside these four walls.

"Touché." Eric eventually mumbled, he couldn't think of a come back quick enough.

Sapphire still giggling as she clung to a fresh cup of tea.

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