Fun & Games

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"You have to learn the rules of the game and then you have to play better than anyone else." 

🔑 Aurora's POV 🔑

Eric's eyes glinted suspiciously at the laundry trunk like box that rested in the centre of the room, narrowing more intently at the key which causally rested on its lid. The shadows of the room prancing around his face as the scowl on his lips deepened, the contours on his face seeming strained; making him for a brief second look older than his age.

He caught eyes with Elliot and Justin who had been waiting inside for us; they'd been
anxiously studying the lone, peculiar box; the room leaking both fear and anticipation.

Giving me a curt nod as I approached Eric's side, they both stepped away from the box, it's old battered edges adding to the mystery of what it contained.

A glowing rainbow like hue trickles through the window, the suns hot gaze tingling on my back.

Sapphire and her guards were waiting outside. As we'd headed inside one of them had the nerve to grin; the sly, distrust worthy snicker mockingly penetrating the air as his muscular arms wrapped around Sapphire's waist. Caging her as his eyes darkened through the mind link.

"Your mates coming." Was the last I heard of the bastards voice as we stepped inside the town hall.

I had to pick my battles careful. My father had always taught me to wait for the right opportunities. Allowing the enemy to distract you was a weakness.

"A box." Eric retorted dryly, "you wanted us to come in here for a box?"

Elliott's hands shakily grazed its lid. Clutching the key as if his life depended on it he scrambled back up on to his feet. Staggering on one foot nervously, the other tapping the floor impatiently.

"Don't let your nerves consume you." I addressed him, the cold air seeping in the gaps under the windows; the building was old and in need of repairs.

His face reddened, flushed at the attention he was now receiving. Stumbling towards me he pressed a clammy hand on my chest as if to balance himself.

"Give me the key." I ordered softly, I'd never seen him so disgruntled. The cool mental was quick to drop in to my awaiting hand. 

It was old, sketched with many scratches; an ornate top showing old signs of craftsmanship. It seemed to add magnificence to the humble box. My fingers wrapped around it effortlessly.

"Aren't you not curious to see what's in it?" Stephen's voice interjected, Eric retreating back to the other council members.

"Not really." I replied smoothly, "I'm more  interested in why you're all so nervous."

James opened his mouth, sighing deeply, yet the words failed to come out. Stephen stepped forward, seeming to take some ownership.

"They said it would benefit the town greatly." He remarked softly, lowering his gaze toward the floor.

"Who did?" Eric inquired.

James shuddered, "The... the wolves." He stammered, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. "They allowed us all to skip work on the farm this morning in exchange for this meeting." His eyes locked on my questioning gaze.

He heaved another sigh, running a hand through his hair as he looked down towards my hand.

"Open it." He tried to order, yet it sounded weak.

"How dare you tell her what to do." Eric spat fiercely. "Why don't you stop being such a chicken and open it yourself if you're that desperate to see what it contains." He sneered, patience slipping.

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