Tears & Blood

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🩸Aurora's POV🩸

"How does a story last forever?
Even though memories fade.
How does a picture brighten the world?Beneath the darkness of flames.
Don't stress your mind, it'll be alright.
For each day offers a new light."

The voice was soft, comforting...

Drinking water had only offered a temporary relief. Consciousness was now a battle.


A light hand patted my cheek, pulling my brain back from it's abyss.

"Come on, stay awake and keep your gaze firmly on me." Scott's voice pleaded as my eyes greeted the world once more; sounding distance even though he was right beside me.

He was trying his best to distract me from the scene around us.

Like millions of red flowers blooming, the steady droplets of blood fell to the floor and created a path. Blood dripping from injured weeping bodies. Yet, even though there was a path, no one would see it nor follow it for long. Light patters of rain scattered across the ground. Clouds whimpering as their tears lazily started to wash away the red. Heavy footsteps trampling the weeded flowers on the muddy floor, leaving them to wilt and for the story to eventually go unnoticed.

After the first withdrawal, three fights were lost.

The lucid moon shone from the black heavens brightly, stars prancing as they glistened down. They howled eagerly after each defeat, thanking their moon goodness whom they admired from above.

To them she showed herself as the moon.

Bright, magnificent, powerful.

The tumble from before was attacking my mind with vengeance.

I felt it... I felt it now.

It was as if my head was being gripped, skull crushed, temples crumpled together. A weakly uttered cry escaped, but it was faint. The deep aching pain was starting to consume my body.

Eyes fighting, blinking to stay awake as they lazily watched the bloodied girl being dragged by the guards out of the pit.

Violent screams piercing through their howls as she thrashed in her captures grasp. They didn't care that her eyes burned with disgust, nor the fresh blood that dripped from her legs.

My eye lids were slipping.

"Aurora, please." His meek voice whispered; begging.

Groaning, they blinked to try and keep open.

"I don't want them touching me." I croaked, body now heavily fatigued.

"I know." Scott's eyes turned soft. They sagged in an attempt to conceal his own disappear. The moonlight highlighting the wrinkles on his face.

"I've sent for Sam, you'll be ok." He continued softly.


My father's voice invaded once more.

"This is how you block. That's it. Keep your arm straight, but not too firm. Now, I'm going to circle around you and see how alert you are. Not taking off that blindfold, we need to develop all your senses."

"She's slipping in and out. Please hurry."

There are coloured shapes flashing above my face, the dazzling lights sting. Heart palpitating, sharp ripples consuming my chest.

Gloved hands quickly push my eyelids up.

"She's possibly got a concussion. There's a deep cut on her forehead. Possibly from the tumble she took."

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