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🐺Aurora's POV🐺

It had only been a couple of minutes and already the first mate had been found.

Not even the bottomless pit of black darkness in the werewolf's eyes could conceal the way they visibly widened with desire for the teenager he had pinned in a suffocating hug.  Encased firmly in his arms he sniffed, devouring her scent. Whimpers escaping when she heard the word "mate." The roughness of his touch contradicting the way the phrase had delicately left his lips.

Shaking uncontrollably, her heart enraged in a fit of palpitations. Once the male had recognised her as his mate he had been swift to release her from the chair. It would be awhile before he would let her go.

A single drop of grief welled up from the corner of her eye and suddenly, the dam broke. Wet torrents coursed down her face; eyes leaking of pain. Lowering her head almost submissively her eyes desperately flickered from one side of the field to another, hunting for someone. Settling on a group of women, her posture straightened as a small flicker of courage entered her. I guessed she'd managed to find her mum or someone else in the family. She must have been under seventeen, as until then you didn't join the women.

The werewolf jolted in delight, too occupied to notice why the girl was starting to become so restless. His wolf side intoxicated with the idea of finally finding his mate, a giddiness like he'd been temporarily drugged. His eyes darkening, suddenly becoming more possessive, more protected of her. Struggling against him she stomped his foot, the unexpectedness of the action breaking his hold. A venomous growl filled the air. Abruptly he pulled her back, twisting her arms she cried out as he harshly restrained them behind her back.

He snarled, eyes darting to what he thought had distressed his mate. Too stupid to even consider he was the problem.

She whimpered desperately, pulling her arm forwards to try and escape his grasp only seemed to cause her more pain. Her wrists were starting to look swollen.

Guards suddenly blocked her view, one of the women I was now fully convinced was her mother started screaming at him to let her go. She was quickly silenced. A firm slap across the face as hands forced her mouth open, blood dripping down from her chapped bottom lip as they fumbled with a wet looking cloth; shoving it into her mouth they pushed her head forward.  Applying a pinching pressure on her neck as they proceeded to gag her.

"You don't need her. Not anymore." The werewolf voiced roughly, not caring about the audience he'd attracted. He spun her around, trying to capture his mates attention.

She spat on him.

Frozen... His pupils dilating in to a light shade of gold. His werewolf side was angry.

He'd been disrespected, and worse, by a human.  At that moment it didn't matter that she was his mate.

Slowly his finger wiped away the icy puddle of saliva on his face. Half shifting,  canines prodding out.

"You'll never, ever, do that again." He growled. Power radiated of him, paralysing her; at that moment it was clear he was a warrior wolf.

"Turn around." He ordered. Raising his hand as if to strike her he paused... "Now, or you won't like what happens next." The threat was all it took.

Confidence gone the girl slowly turned around, eyes lowered to the floor as she tried to hide the fresh tears. Legs looking at if they could buckle, arms now shaking like jelly.

"I didn't want to do this, not to you." He muttered almost to himself as he gestured for a guard to approach them. Snatching her arms together effortlessly with one hand he used the other to grab a clear fabric looking material of the guard who now stood beside him. Wrapping it tightly around her wrists he tied them together, before suddenly hoisting her up in his arms.

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