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                                                      (Tsukishima's POV)

 That little girl full of competitive energy was getting on my nerves. She just waltzed into our school with a beautiful smile, and moved right into our club. She was already friends with a lot of the team. Not to mention she can play that song on the piano that I love to listen to. It wasn't fair. I was going to beat her. All I had to do was get to ten points first.

I crouched into a defensive position in front of her, while she checked the ball. I knew how to play, but Tadashi didn't and I think Kageyama had only played during gym class. I hated that kid, but he had the height and a competitive streak, so I hoped he would be good enough. I didn't know if Daichi and Sugawara knew how to play. They probably did. They were third years after all. That didn't mean they were good though.

Y/n held the ball in her hands in a defensive position, gorgeous e/c eyes surveying the court. She seemed to target somebody, going like she was going to pass the ball. I stepped forward, putting a hand out to block the pass, but she faked me out and rolled around me, sprinting down the court and making a beautiful layup right around Kageyama.

She grinned, jumping up and down, high fiving Daichi and Suga. She grabbed the ball, going to the top of the court and motioning for me to get in position. Damn she was good.

She passed the ball to me and I checked it, and she sunk down into a defensive position, arms out threateningly. I couldn't help but notice the bruises on her wrists. I wondered what had happened. I thrust the thoughts out of my mind. I was supposed to be winning right now.

I surveyed the court, seeing Tadashi awkwardly standing to the side, loosely being defended by Suga, and Kageyama on the other side of the court being tightly guarded by Daichi.

Instead of passing or trying to cross court I simply stood up and jumped, shooting the ball. Y/n's eyes widened, but she didn't let the move fase her. She jumped in synchronization with me, putting her hands up. I don't know how, but her little body somehow sprung up high enough to block my view of the hoop, so I was blindly shooting.

We both hit the ground at the same time, turning and running to the hoop, going to catch the rebound of the ball if it hadn't made it in. 

Damn it, I'd missed!

I leaned forward to grab the rebound, but y/n jumped into the air and snatched the ball, tossing it to Sugawara midleap, hooking it powerfully over her head. I tried to grab it, but it was going too fast. Sugarwara had to jump to catch the ball, arms over his head.

I wanted to run over to guard him, but I had to keep an eye on this little ball of energy. So Sugawara easily went around Tadashi and made the shot.

"Woohoo!" She yelled. "Nice one Sugawara! That's four points!" She high fived Sugawara energetically, and he actually shook his hands from the sting of it.

I couldn't let her win. I had Kageyama take the ball, telling him to make sure to pass it to me. I hoped y/n would stay and check the ball, but she switched positions with Daichi so she was guarding me. She stayed in front of and between me and the hoop, keeping her arms out and crouching. She occasionally tapped me with her hand, just to make sure I was still in the same position. It was irritating how good she was.

Kageyama checked the ball to Diachi. He went like he was going to pass to Tadashi but faked him out and tossed it my way. It was too close to her!

I leaped forward, accidentally bumping into her and barely snatching the ball before it sunk into her hands. I didn't realize how small she was, because my bumping into her made her fall to the ground. I slightly hesitated, but then went up for the shot.

I tossed the ball, sinking it in. I then turned to her, wondering if she was alright, but not letting my face show any concern.

She leaped to her feet, wincing when she put pressure on her ankle. I didn't say anything but gave her a look.

She waved her hand. "I'm fine. You better watch out though. Now I know you play dirty." She smirked, laughing.

"Oh yeah, whatever," I mumbled. That pretty smile was getting on my nerves.

I went up top to receive the checked ball, and was surprised to see Daichi there instead. Did y/n's ankle hurt more than it looked? If she really was an athlete - which she clearly was - she would be able to master not showing pain. Nearly all athlete's had that skill.

We checked the ball, and Daichi passed it to y/n, who was being guarded horribly by Kageyama. She shot the ball, not jumping like you always do. She just went up onto her toes instead. Her shot was good, but Kageyama was tall enough to block it. The ball collided with his hand, shooting the ball down straight to her face. She was able to dodge it from hitting her face, hitting the deck.

It hit the ground right next to her and she leaned out, grabbing it and throwing it through the air to - damn it, Daichi! I had been too focused on what was going on to see he had gotten around me.

He received the ball, shooting sloppily but still making it in.

We went back and forth making points, me making a couple of more shots and Kageyama making one. We were tied at eight points, and we had the ball. One more shot and we would win. But if they got one more shot they would win.

I had noticed that y/n had been gradually slowing down, favoring her ankle. She hadn't checked the ball in a while, but I was taking it and it seemed like she couldn't resist the urge to guard me.

I checked the ball and thought about passing it, but nobody was open. I thought about taking it in for a layup, but even though y/n was hurt she I wouldn't get around her easily. And she couldn't jump... so I repeated the very first move I had made at the beginning of the game. I took a step back and shot the ball. Y/n tried to jump to block me, but hadn't gotten enough height. She landed awkwardly, and the ball shot off the rim and straight into - crap. Straight into Tadashi's hands.

He looked down at it, surprised. "Shoot it!" I yelled, running forward to get the rebound, just in case. He looked up at the hoop, concentrated, and shot. It made it in. We won.

a/n sorry to the peeps who don't really understand basketball, I simplified it down as much as I could so I hope that helped :)

A Foreign Life (Tsukishima x y/n)Where stories live. Discover now