Chapter 3

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*ring ring* our conversation is interrupted by Felix's phone ringing loudly. "Oh hey it's lake! Do you mind?" He says "nah go ahead" I say standing up. he answers the phone. "Oh but hey Felix?" I say and turn around. "Ya?" Says Felix muting himself. "Please don't tell anyone about this, I'd rather do it myself" I say putting my hands in my pockets. "Oh yeah! Of course" he says with a smile. "Thanks" I chuckle.

"bye Felix"


I go back inside trying to avoid my mother as I do so. Once I'm safely in my room I grab my phone and find Benji's contact.

It's 9:31 AM but I think he's probably awake now. I press call and hold the phone up to my ear. After the second ring he picks up. "Hi Victor!" As soon as I hear Benji's voice I feel completely calm. "Hi Benji! I said I would call you remember?" I smile even though I know he can't see me. "Haha yeah I do, and I'm glad you did, I love to hear your voice"

I blush, "yeah well I have a lot to tell you, but I'd rather not do it over the phone." I say "understandable, wanna meet at Brasstown?" I hear Benji say through the phone. "Yeah sure, how about 10:00?" I say "sure! See ya there" I can hear the smile in his voice. "Yeah see ya!"

I arrive at Brasstown and Benji is already waiting outside, as soon I see him I get flustered, I mean I saw him yesterday obviously but that was when we kissed and everything else was happening.

I walk up to him "hey hopefully I didn't keep you waiting to long" I say sheepishly. "Nah I've only been here for like two minutes" okay that's good "oh okay, so uh, should we go inside?" I say fiddling with my thumbs. "Oh yeah" he says and I notice a small bit of blush dusting his cheeks.

We go inside and find a table and sit down. We're sitting across from each other at the table next to the window and I tell him everything, about what happened with my parents and Pilar, about how confused I've been for so long, how I wanted to make it work with Mia but I had to big a crush on Benji. About how sorry I am for kissing him, EVERYTHING. "Woah Vic.. that's a lot" says Benji. I nod "maybe let's just change the subject for now" I say. "Okay"

"But hey I'm so glad I'm not working today" I say remembering Benji changed shops. "Mhm.. oh yeah! Guess what?" Benji says. "What?" I wonder what it could be. "Well since we made up and I don't have an idiot for a boyfriend to worry about anymore..." he says "yeahhh?" I say.

"I called last night and got Sara to switch me back!" He didn't just say that- "oh yay!! I've been so lonely" Benji laughs "honestly same, no one else was as funny or fun to work with as you" I can feel myself blush and I think he notices. I hear a chuckle from Benji but he's blushing a little too.

We get our coffee and spend the next hour laughing and talking.

But just then I see Mia and Lake walk in. They freeze when they see us. Benji notices too. He leans over and quietly says; "Hey Victor do you wanna go?" I nod so we get up and pay for our drinks brushing past Mia and Lake as we walk out the door.

"Hey uh I'm sorry, we were having fun" I say looking down at my feet. "No no it's fine, your going through a lot right now so it's completely understandable. I nod. "Wanna just go to a park or something?" Says Benji. I nod again, "yeah thanks, that would be great" he puts his arm around my shoulders and I put my arm on his lower back and we walk to the park.

We find an open grassy spot and lay down. Benji's hand finds its way into mine as we look up at the clouds, I'm thankful for this small act of kindness. I close my eyes and for a moment don't think about anything except the touch of Benji's hand in mine. I rub my thumb across the top of his hand. He squeezes my hand slightly.

I turn over to him, "Thank you Benji" he turns to me, our hands still clasped together.

"For what?"

"Everything, just being there for me"

He leans forward and gives me a small peck on the lips. I feel blush rising to my face."Of course, oh and sorry for kissing you if your not comfortable ye-"
I cut him off by giving him a kiss. "It's fine, I'm not really ready to tell the world yet but hopefully we can just take it slow" I say and move a little closer to him. "Of course" he says and sits up and so do I.

"So then Victor.." he grasps both of my hands and looks directly into my eyes, I look back at him, his beautiful brown eyes staring into my soul, grasping it and holding it tight forever. "Will you be my boyfriend" I feel a smile creep onto my face and blush rising to my cheeks. I hug him and whisper:

"Of course"

Sorry for the short-ish chapter

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