Chapter 5

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I walk back home with a happy mushy feeling in my stomach. I'm going to New York with Benji, my boyfriend! I unlock the apartment door, both of my parents are sitting on the couch, but I'm too happy so I just go to my room. I see the walkie-talkie sitting on my desk that Felix gave me my first day in Atlanta.

"Victor to Felix, over"

"Hey buddy! What's up?" Says Felix. "I just wanted to let you know I won't be at school this week, I- I'm going to New York" I say. There's a pause "over" I say and chuckle. "Oh wow, why? Over" He says. "Well as you know I came out, and I haven't spoken to my dad at all since then, do you know Simon Spier?" I say. "I'm going to see him, over"

"Oh yeah! I heard of him, that's really cool, over"

"Yeah, and um, Benji's coming with me. Over." A pause. "Oop well have fun, over and out. I could hear him smile with that last line, and it made me smile too. "Bye Felix" I say and the line goes silent.

I flop down on my bed but then Pilar comes into my room with Adrian to tell me dinner was ready. The rest of the night goes by in a haze, I think I made eye contact with Dad once or twice, but we didn't speak. I'm really scared of what's going to happen with him when I get back, especially since we know that mom and dad are separating.

I pack up my stuff and leave my backpack by my bed. Stuffed with clothes and my toothbrush and toothpaste. I sit on my bed where my phone is and grab it. I shoot Simon a quick text that Benji was coming and the I text Benji to meet at my house at 8:30. It would take a little while to walk to the bus station, and it's always good to be early. We would be leaving on Monday, tomorrow, and coming back Sunday mornin. So we'll have roughly a week in NYC.

Then I remember I didn't tell mom that Benji was coming. Eh there's no point in telling her, if she's up, insists on walking me out or something then I'll just say Benji was walking me there to say goodbye, because he's my friend. I check the time and it reads: 10:23 pm. I put a few last things in my bag, change into my pajamas, and go so sleep.

My alarm goes off at 7:30 am. I reach over and turn it off. I see a text from Benji. 'Okay' it reads from when I told him the time to come over last night. The simple message makes my heart flutter. There's also a message from Simon that reads 'Okay! Cant wait to meet him ;)' from when he said Benji was coming.

I hop out of bed, I grab a black hoodie and put a white shirt over it, and some ripped blue jeans. I've seen other people do the shirt-over-hoodie-thing before and I thought it looked cool, so I wanted to try it. I do my morning routine and wash my face. I go back in my room and grab my bag. When I get to the kitchen there's a note from mom next to a plate of eggs and bacon saying: 'Hey, I made you some breakfast in case I miss you when you leave. Love you.' I grab the note and stuff in in my pocket. I find another pice of paper and write: 'love you too mom.' Then I eat my breakfast and leave the note on the empty plate.

I check my phone and it's 8:22 am. I grab my bag, put my sneakers on. (Specifically the ones Benji completed when I met him) and head out the door to wait for Benji.

I sit on the steps outside and wait, then I look up and see Benji walking towards me. I can't believe we're actually doing this.I stand up and throw my backpack on. "Nice shoes" he says with a grin. I grin back at him and we head to the bus station.

"I like your outfit" he says. "Oh yeah thanks, I wanted to try something new" I say. "Yeah it suits you" I smile at him.

We get to the bus stop and I check my phone and it's 9:01 am.

"Sorry, we're gonna have to wait for a bit" I say as a nervous chuckle escapes my lips. "All good, that just means more time with you right?" He grins. I blush and smile back at him.

"Well I saw a cafe down the street, we could hang out there for a while?" I say.  "Sure!" He says.

Without thinking I take his hand and lead him to the cafe. He holds my hand while we arrive to the cafe. I blush and smile at him. I lead him inside and we find a table. I'm surprised to see a small pride flag on the wall above our table, and it makes me smile. The barista comes and takes our orders and she smiles at us. I get a coffee and a chocolate croissant, and Benji gets a coffee and a muffin.

"So have you been to New York before?" I ask Benji as I take a sip of my coffee. "No actually, I'm exited" he says. "Yeah I've only been the one time, I'm exited for you to come too" I smile. He smiles back, and I see a tiny bit of blush dusting his cheeks.

"Who would have thought there would be a pride flag in Atlanta" Benji chuckles. "I know right?" I say and take a bite of my croissant. "Woah this is good haha" Benji laughs "but Victor really, thanks for asking me to come" he looks at me.

I look back at him and smile, "no problem" I lean over the table and plant a quick kiss on his lips. I smile and blush. He smiles back. I pull out my phone and it's 9:32 am. I finish my croissant and grab my coffee. "We should probably get going, it's nine thirty" Benji nods and grabs his coffee too.

We're back at the bus station at nine fifty three. "Well that was good timing" I chuckle "yeah haha" we get into the bus, I sit in the window seat and Benji sits next to me.

I look out the window as the bus starts moving. I look over at Benji and lay my head in his shoulder. He smiles and grabs my hand. I hear someone whispering so I sit up and turn around. I see an older couple with there hands cupped around there mouths. Benji notices this too as I turn back around and look down at my hands, there shaking. Benji looks back at me.

"Hey don't listen to them, I know your new to this. But you have to know this is something you'll need to get used to." I nod and he grabs my hand again. I smile at him and squeeze it.

A while later I wake up with Benji's head resting on my shoulder and mine on his head. We've been on the bus for a while, we're supposed to get there in about two hours. I take out my phone and text Simon we'll be there soon-ish.

I hold Benji's hand and fall back asleep.

Then I'm being woken up by Benji saying that we're here. A little flustered and embarrassed by having to be woken up I sling my bag around my shoulder and follow Benji out of the bus, where I see Simon waiting for us.

And just like that our week in New York begins.

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