chapter 9

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(sorry it's been so long-)

We get back from the ice rink, and we're all pooped from two hours of skating, even though it was really fun, and apparently Ivey is really good at skating. She was doing jumps and spins everywhere and we were all amazed.

I flop down on the couch and Benji sits down next to me.

"whew" I say.

"that was fun"

"yeah it was, my legs are dead though" Benji chuckles. I laugh.

We only have tomorrow, and part of the next day until we have to leave, i don't really want to but of course i have to go back.

Benji lays down next to me, and puts his arms around my waist, i close my eyes, and the next thing I know I'm being gently shook awake by Simon.

"Time to get up to eat dinner guys"

my eyes flutter open, Benji's grip has loosened a little so I can turn around, he looks so peaceful while he's asleep. "thanks Simon, i'll get Benji up" I say. He nods and walks over to the kitchen to join everyone else.

I glance back at Benji, he looks so cute I don't even want to wake him up. I push the little bit of hair in his face out of his eyes, and give him a soft kiss. "Benji.. Benji, time to get up" he opens his eyes slowly and looks into mine. "Mmm what time is is?" He asks sitting up. About six-forty five" I answer, "dinners ready" I say.

"Oh okay" he says.

He stands up and we walk into the kitchen and sit down to eat.

Ivey sighs, "you guys are so cute" she says, I'm a little speechless. "I wish I had a girlfriend" she says and makes a funny fake pouty face, we all laugh. "Kim didn't you have a boyfriend at one point?" Says Bram leaning on his hand. "Yeah, it wasn't that serious" they say. Bram nods.

"What are y'all's favorite foods?" Bram asks me and Benji. We look at each other and smile.

"Meatballs" We say simultaneously and I almost burst out laughing. "Ok cool, then that's what I'm making for lunch before you leave tomorrow"

"Oh thanks" I smile.

Just then I get a call, it's from mom. "One second guys" I step out of the room and answer.

"Hi mom!" I say. "Hello mi amore, I was just wondering when you would be home?" She says. "Oh well we leave tomorrow at two, and the bus ride is about twenty two hours long, so about noon the next day" I say. "Alright, thank you" she says. "Yeah no problem" I hang up, and go back into the kitchen.

"Your taking the bus home?" Says Simon. "Yeah, why?" I say.

"Oh no no, you two are now our gay children so we must get you plane tickets" he says. "Oh no you really don't have-" I'm cut off. "I insist"

"Really?" I say. "That's so nice of you" says Benji. "Yeah wow thanks, and i guess it'll be fun to surprise my mom" i say.

The rest of dinner we are just laughing and talking, and then we go to bed, me once again with Benji's arms wrapped tightly around me, and right now i'm completely content, I have my amazing boyfriend with me, and all my other friends near by, we just had so much fun, and we'll have more tomorrow before we have to leave.

I'm not super exited to see my dad, but that'll be something i'll deal with later, and with that, I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

I'm so sorry these chapters have been shorter, but I want to save the rest of going home and stuff for next chapter, if you have any please give me some ideas :)

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