Chapter 8

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We get to the ice rink and it's HUGE. It is olympic sized, and even had some claw machines and a air hockey table. There is a gift shop, and the area where you rent skates, but Benji had to rent some because he didn't bring his.

We get our skates and head over to the benches by the skating area, Benji had to help me put mine on because I didn't know how, which was a little embarrassing.

I step on the ice holding Benji's hand, and it's a lot more slippery that I thought it would be, and I almost fall over.

"Woahh" says Benji, grabbing my hand preventing me from falling over. "You okay?" He chuckles. "Y-yeah this is a lot harder than I thought it would be" I say. He stands in front of me, holding both of my hands slowly leading my forward as he skates backwards. "Ughh how are you doing that" I laugh.

He laughs "practice"

We get to the middle and he slowly spins me around by my hand. I laugh "oh such a gentleman" I say in a mocking tone. "Oh shut up" he says laughing as well. Now we're both spinning around in circles, still in the middle as I start to the get the hang of it. I giggle as we spin, holding each other's hands.

I look over and see Bram and Simon skating around the edge of the rink, hand in hand. "I can't believe you talked me into this" says Simon, Bram just laughs.

I start to get dizzy and we stop spinning, now we're hand in hand skating over to Simon and Bram. "Hey guys!" says Bram, "having fun?"

"Yeah!" I say, and Benji nods. "This was a good idea he says. Simon just rolled his eyes, and we all laugh. Benji
Takes my hand and we skate around for a while.

"Whew" I say "my legs are about to fall off. I laugh. "Yeah if you don't skate all the time it really gets you, do you wanna sit down and take a break?" He says. "Yeah if you don't mind" I chuckle.

We skate over to the areas on the rink and sit down. "I'm glad you've liked skating" he says. "Yeah me too" I say. I grab his hand and give it a little squeeze. He looks and me and we lean in to a small kiss that lasts for about four seconds.

We pull away and I smile at him, and he smiles back. I look away blushing a little bit, when my eyes meat and older lady passing us. She's just standing there staring. I give her a confused look "um can I help you?" I say.

"Y'know being gay is a sin right?" She says. Benji looks at me worried. "Mhm sure it is, now can you get your homophobic ass away from us?" I say in a sarcastic tone and smile. She scoffs and skates away.

And we burst out laughing.

I'm sorry this is the shortest chapter ever but I thought it was cute.

And here's my Pinterest if you wanna follow me :))

And here's my Pinterest if you wanna follow me :))

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