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y'all I'm sorry, but I'm going to discontinue this story now that season two is out, i might start doing something, like what would happen after the end of season two in this book though.

also now i need to rant (if you haven't finished the season don't read the next part, there will be spoilers.

alrighty, SO i finished the season in one day of course, bro this is actually the first time i REALLY cried at a show, i've totally cried and things but i haven't cried that hard in a while. it just scared me so much, i thought Benji and victor would never be together again, but i do believe that it is benji's house, because remember what felix said? about all those things victor would imagine with someone, like long distance collage, and just wanting to be with them forever. Benji and victor have been through so much together, they've known each other for so long now, had sex twice, and even said I love you. but victor has only knows rahim for like two months, and just don't have the same connection. (i love rahim so much tho he's adorable)

okay thank you for staying and listening to me rant :)

also lmk who y'all think would be behind the door and your reasoning.

(edit) bro tysm for 2k reads 😭

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