Chapter 6

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Hola my friends, I am prob going to be updating around every 100 reads btw, okay on to the story, this is a little of a longer chapter.

As we finally approach Simon, Benji speaks up first and puts his hand out for Simon to shake. "Hi Simon! I've been so exited to meet you, Victors told me so much!" He says.

Simon shakes his hand, "wow hi Benji, I've been exited to meet you too!" He says. I laugh "yeah Simon your kind of a Creekwood celebrity I say. "Haha so I've heard" says Simon. "Now come on, the apartment building is a few blocks away" He starts walking and we follow.

"Oh and the elevator works this time" he adds. I chuckle remembering the last time I was here it didn't, and that long walk up the stairs. We get inside and Justin is the first person to notice us, he comes over and gives me a huge hug. "Oh my gosh hi Victor! We've been so exited to meet you too Benji! Thanks for coming" Bram comes over too. "Hi guys!" He gives Simon a quick kiss and gives me a hug. Then he turns to Benji, "and you must be Benji, I've been exited to meet you!" He says "yeah you too" says Benji. He looks a little overwhelmed so I squeeze his hand slightly, he turns his head and smiles at me.

Just then Kim and Ivey come out of separate rooms to say hi to us too. "I'm so glad you could come back!" Says Kim. Ivey nods in agreement. "Yeah me too" I say "this will be a fun week"

After we get settled in Simon comes over to us. "Okay so since this is a relatively small apartment, either one of you can sleep on the floor with an air mattress. Or you can both sleep on the couch" Simon shows us the new pullout couch they got. I can feel myself blushing. "Umm, I don't know. Benji what do you want to do?" He turns to me. "Well I don't mind sleeping with you, but what ever makes you feel comfortable" he says. I'm blushing even more.

"Uh I think maybe I'll just sleep on the air mattress" I say "for now" Benji nods "okay, sounds good to me" he says.

"Alrighty then" says Simon. "I'll go grab the mattress"

A few hours later we're all hungry and ready for dinner. "I think we should go out to eat somewhere, in honor of Benji's first time here, and Victor being back" says Ivey. "I agree" says Justin. No one objects, so out to eat we go.

We end up finding a nice sushi place, and we have a great time, laughing and having fun. Benji had never had sushi before and I'd only had it once when mom and dad brought some home from their night out. Thinking about dad kind of made me sad, but I soon snapped out of it and went back to having fun.

After about an hour and a half, we're all full and ready to go home. Simon insists on paying but so does Bram, so then we have to listen to that for the next five minutes, but in the end they just end up splitting it.

We get back to the apartment, and change into pajamas. I snort as I see Benji's has a bunch of fluffy dogs on the bottoms. He looks at me.

"oh come on, it's not like yours are any better, you have polkadots all over yours" Says Benji.

"Okay, haha fine, yours are still funny though" I say. "Yeah yeah" he laughs, and I laugh too. We brush our teeth and climb into bed. Even though I'm not on the couch, the air mattress is very close to it. Thanks a lot Simon, but now I can see him until I fall asleep.

Okay that may sound weird but you have no idea how cute he looks.

"Goodnight Benji" I say.

"Night night, Victor"

and that was the perfect last thing for me to hear before I drifted off into dreamland.

My eyes flutter open as sunlight trickles into the room. I see Benji sprawled out on the couch, and he looks adorable. I get up and head over to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and see Ivey standing there too. I yawn "morning Ivey" I pour my glass of water. "Morning" she says "sleep well?" I turn around and take a sip.

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