Chapter 7

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I hear a whisper, "Hey... hey, wake up" I open my eyes to see Benji standing over me. "What's..." I yawn and trail off "..up?" I say. Benji's puts his hand out, I take it and he pulls me up. "I want to show you something"

Still holding his hand I follow him out to the balcony (I don't think there is a balcony but I made one so ha) to reveal a beautiful sunrise. "Woah..." I say as I rest my hands on the railing. Benji comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Sometimes I like to get up early just to see this, breathtaking isn't it?" He said I nod in agreement, probably blushing a little from the sudden contact.

There are barley and cars out on the street, and everything just feels so quiet and peaceful. There's a slights breeze that carries the morning cent of flowers and wind. There are a few birds chirping and the sound in comforting.

I free myself from Benji's grasp and stand next to him, tangling my fingers with his. He smiles and rests his head on my shoulder. I rest mine on his head.

In this moment.

This one specific moment.


Is completely perfect.

I'm not worried about school, or dad, or anything at all. All I feel is Benji here with me... the warm but somehow cool breeze swirling around us.

I squeeze Benji's hand and he does the same. He turns towards me and I look into his amazing, beautiful brown eyes.

I lean down a little bit to kiss him, and he kisses me back, it's warm, and passionate and comforting. Nothing like I've really ever felt.

I think...

I think I'm falling in love.

I smile just a little into the kiss, it really is the best feeling in the world. He cups my cheek with one hand and I keep holding his other.

We break away both blushing a little.

I hug him, "thank you Benji..." I say. "For what?" He looks up at me. "Bring with me, being you... everything"

I almost see a few tears in his eyes "Victor I..." he trails if for a second. "I don't want to rush things.. if your not ready, I know this is all very new to you, and if this feels in any way uncomfortable you don't have to say it back. But.. I think... no.."

There's a pause.

"I love you Victor, like I've never loved anyone or anything before"

It takes me a second to say anything, so he felt that too... that burning passion of love that we both had for one another.

"Benji..." I'm holding back tears "I really love you too" I say and burry my head into his chest.

I guess... when you really love someone, you just know, I thought I loved Mia, but it was completely platonic. But I love Benji, I honestly have since I got to know him. He's funny, and cute and sweet, and the most caring person I've ever met.

So I love him, even though we haven't been together a long time, I love him.

even though it might be difficult, I love him.

Even though... people might not support us, I. Love. Him.

He hugs me tighter and I can feel his breathing. Now tears are falling down my cheeks and I can't stop them.

He chuckles and I wipe my face, but I see he was crying a little too. I smile and kiss him once more.

"Do you wanna go back inside?" Benji's asks. "In a minute I reply" he nods, so we just stand there, hand in hand, as the sky becomes brighter.

A few hours later other people start to wake up, and no one will ever know about that conversation except for me and Benji.

He's in the kitchen making coffee for everyone and I'm sitting on the couch.

Benji comes over and hand me a cup of coffee. "Thanks" I say. "No problem" he says with a smile and he plants a small kiss on my nose. I grin at him and blush.

"Well you guys look happy" says Ivey with a smirk. I guess she saw us while she was standing in the doorway to the kitchen. I just blush and sip my coffee, and she chuckles and walks away.

Bram comes out of the kitchen right after. "I think we should do something fun today" he says. "Like what?" I say.

Just then Simon comes out of the kitchen with his coffee.

"Ice skating!" Says Bram.

"Nooo!" Simon complains. "YESSSS" says Bram.

Me and Benji laugh at them. "I'm down for that" says Benji "yeah me too" I say. Simon sighs "HAHA" says Bram with an accomplished smile on his face.

I've only been ice skating once or twice, but I'm not that good.

"Have you ever been ice skating Benji?" I say. "Actually yeah, I used to go all the time when I took lessons" he says.

"Oh cool! I've only been a few times" I say.

"He laughs, I'll help you" I smile.

Sorry this was kind of a short chapter hehe, I have no motivation rn but I thought this was cute, also sorry for taking so long to post it.

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