Chapter 4

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(Sorry I haven't written in forever I've had no motivation lol, also sorry if there's any typos I'm to lazy to fix them)

I get home and head straight to my room. there's no reason to talk to anyone, and besides, I'd rather just lay in my bed and reflect on the day's events. "Benji is my boyfriend.." I whisper trying the words out. They feel comfortable on my lips, like they were always meant to be there.

I turn over and smush my face into my pillow as I feel the blush rising on my cheeks. Just then j feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, it's Simon! I take my phone out of my pocket and put it up to my ear. "Hi Simon! What's up?" I say, I'm honestly glad to talk to him, we haven't spoken in a little while.

"Hi Vic! Just checking in, how are you?" I pause. "Well uh.." another pause. "I came out to my parents" I'm holding my breath, almost scared of what he'll say and I don't even know why.

"Woah Victor.. that's huge, are you okay?"

"Well for the most part" I say "well okay.. and remember my door is always, always open in case you need to crash here. "Yeah thanks Simon" I pause "I mean if you don't mind I'd love to come maybe on Monday?" I say hopefully.

"Yeah that would be great! I'm sure everyone would love to see you again, and maybe you could bring Benji!" He stops abruptly and I hear him mutter something. "Shit sorry, I forgot that it was difficult right now. I didn't know if you had made up or anything or-" I stop him. "No no um, actually he asked me to be his boyfriend today" I say a little quieter so no one hears me.

"Victor! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!" I hear Justin chime In in the background, "Victor has a boyfriend?!" I chuckle. "Well yeah I'd love to come visit, and I'll totally ask if wants to come!" I say "great!"

We get off the phone and I'm planning to ask Benji to go to Brasstown tomorrow and I'll ask him then.

I go to my contacts, but before I call him I change his name from 'Benji Campbell' to 'Benji 🥰'. I press the call button and he picks up almost iimmediately "Hiii! I wasn't expecting a call" he says with some mischief in his voice. It makes me tingle, and I blush.

"Um yeah" I chuckle. "Okay so this is a bit of a confusing concept, so could you meet me at Brasstown at like 11 O'clock tomorrow?" I say. "Oh sure!" Says Benji. He sounds a little confused, but that makes sense. "Okay thanks, see you tomorrow!" I say "Byeee~" says Benji. I feel that same tingle go through me and it makes me smile.

I flop on my bed with my face smushed into the pillow and I smile. The thought of staying in New York with Benji gives me that tingling happy feeling all over again. Would he like Simon and everyone? Would he fit in? Where would he sleep? Then it hits me, what if me and Benji would have to sleep in the same bed?! I blush furiously and smush my face deeper into the pillow.

Then I realize I have to tell my parents about this, I think Mom is making dinner, and dad it's still at work. I'll just ask mom, and then maybe I'll talk to dad when I get back.

I head out of my room, and just like I thought mom is In the kitchen making dinner. "Hey mom?" I say, she turns around. "Yes?" I sit in one of the chairs facing the kitchen. "So um, I'm gonna go to New York on Monday to go see a friend" there's a pause "um Victor, I'm not sure about this-" I cut her off "please mom, I just don't want to be here at the moment, especially with... everything right now, I'll only be gone a week" she sighs.

"What friend?"

"He's a Creekwood alumni, I heard about him on the first day of school from Ms. Albright"

Another sigh. She mutters "I can't believe I'm letting you do this" there's a pause. "Okay okay, as long as you text me as soon as you get there, and every morning and night" I smile "I promise, thanks mami" I turn to go back in my room to pack my stuff, "But Victor, one more thing" I turn around.


"We are going to talk about... you, with your father when you come back okay?"

A rush of nervousness washes over me, but I still want to go so all I can say is; "okay" then I turn and head to my room once again.

I think I fell asleep after I finished packing because I woke up the next morning fully clothed and no memory of having dinner. I check my phone and it reads 9:30AM. Okay that's a good amount of time before I have to talk to Benji. I hope he says yes, especially since it's so short notice because today is Sunday. I go out to the kitchen and mom already has breakfast on the table and dads at work, I guess o won't see him until I get back, so I'm kind of happy about that. "Morning, mom" I say and sit down.

"Last night I went in your room to check on you, but you were asleep so I figured I would just let you be" she says and hands me a plate of bacon and eggs. "Yeah I figured" I say. "Also I'm going to Brasstown at 10:00 if that's okay" I mention. "Okay that's fine" I would have expected her to ask with who, or why, but she doesn't.

I head back into my room after I finish breakfast, and make sure everything is packed. I change into different clothes and look at myself in the mirror. I suddenly get jitters thinking about going to see Benji, but I guess I'll have to get used to it if he's my boyfriend now.

I chuckle to myself, and then after what seems like forever it's finally 10:45 so I head out and walk to Brasstown. This time I'm the first one there, I lean of against the wall and wait, I think I'm still a little early. I pull out my phone and the clock reads 10:53AM.

Just then I look up and see Benji walking towards me, I get butterflies and I can feel myself blushing. Everything feels like it's in slow motion, he brushes his hair back as approaches me. He stands in front of me, his hands in his pockets. Honestly he seems nervous too. "Hi" he says "Hi, um, should we go inside?" I say fiddling with my hands. "Oh uh yeah" he says and opens the door for me. I blush and walk inside and sit down at a two person table, and Benji sits down across from me.

"Sooo, what's up?" Says Benji as the barista brings out drinks. "Welll, do you know who Simon Spier is?" There's a pause. "Oh yeah! The guy who got outed and had his first kiss on the winter festival Ferris Wheel and what-not, him?" He says. "Yeah" I say.

"Wait what does that have to do with whatever you have to tell me?" He says. "Yeah I'm getting to that" he nods. "Well.. on the first day of school Ms. Albright told me about him, and I got interested so I found him on Instagram and emailed him and we've been in contact" I pause and Benji just looks at me. "So I went to New York one time to visit just to get away from everything y'know?" He nods. "So I've been invited to go back and... I was wondering if you wanted to.. come..?"

He looks surprised. "Woah Victor.. that, that would be amazing! When?" I pause again. "Well that's the difficult part because you was planning on leaving tomorrow" I say. There was barely a pause before he says: "not a problem! I could never pass up going to New York with my boyfriend." I get all tingly when he says that, and a smile creeps onto my face. "Well then.. looks like we're going to New York!" I grin at him and he grins back.

We finish our coffee and head outside. "Well uh, I guess you better get home and pack" I say.

"wanna meet at my house tomorrow? The bus leaves at ten."

"Sure" he inches closer to me, then his hands wrap around my waist, and even though he's shorter than me, it gives me crazy butterflies like I've never had. I look down at him and he kisses me, a short one but it was perfect. I put my hands around his waist and blush even harder, then I bury my face in his shoulder. I hear a small chuckle from him and we break apart.

We wave goodbye and head our separate ways home.

Thanks for reading! Idk when the next chapter will be out but feel free to give me ideas :) (I'll update again at around 100 reads)

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