Chapter 7

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Mile's POV

I'm so fed up with this winter wonderland bullshit. We're gonna die out here eventually if we don't move fast enough. Though now that Walten is at an extreme risk of hypothermia, I'll let death slide. You know, I thought our fur would help us with situations like these. But I guess we're not built for this type of bullshit weather. His hand was deathly cold, it felt like it was gonna freeze me as well. I'm sure they packed something for the cold, blankets will do for now. I can't believe we got completely abandoned by everyone back home. They're all such fucking lunatics, now I have to deal with both of us trying not to freeze to death. I held Walten's hand tighter to try and catch some sort of warmth, he was too mesmerized by the cold to notice. I hated having to stop since we could be nearly back at the outskirts. I managed to target a hill slumped over, underneath it looked like a good spot to warm ourselves up. It didn't appear to be overtaken by snow so It should do the trick. "C'mon, I found you a spot to help warm up." He attempted to respond but only the chatter of his teeth was heard. I felt uneasy letting him walk the rest of the way. Can't believe I have to do this. I let go of his hand, his hand still in the same holding form even after letting go. I carefully picked him up off his feet, easily cradling him since he wasn't at all heavy. Thought he'd be a little bigger, not in a bad way seriously. I haven't had to do this since the day Anne got injured by that terrifying monster. But he needs my assistance in this current situation.

I rushed over to the spot, sitting Walten against the wall. Then putting together any brush or wood I could find into a small fire. I was trying not to panic but I seemed to anyways. Eventually getting a burst of light to appear, hoping it stays. I glanced back at White, who was watching me start the fire. He seemed alright now but that doesn't mean he's still freezing his ass off. "You didn't have to pick me up back there, I probably would have gotten here myself." He croaked, rubbing his paws together. "The main word in your sentence is 'probably', you were gonna eventually lose enough energy and stop. I can't leave you out here to die." I poked at the fire, getting it to light up even brighter. "So you don't get in trouble with Anne?" He joked, scooting near me. I couldn't leave him behind, he's important to me. Even if It doesn't seem like it. "No, not at all. You're just important to me and I'd feel terrible for letting you die like that." I threw the stick I was using off to the side, noticing Walten's closeness. What is this fuckhead up to? "Really? I was joking but hey that's nice of you to say. You're still sort of a dick though." He sneered while playfully punching my arm. I couldn't help but laugh, I hate to admit but something about his smile makes me feel at ease. He's an easy person to get along with once you try to get to know him. I hate these lovey-dovey emotions, why are they attacking me! I've never felt any type of connection to someone except for him. It's like he's the one. "So are you, I guess we're both assholes then." I felt something lay on my shoulder. Walten was now resting his head on me, looking as if he was about to take a nap. "Are you actually tired? We just walked for only a little while." "No no, I just feel like resting here. It's cozy." I felt a quick rush of reddish-pink come to my face. Is this the hypothermia talking or is he actually doing this? Whatever it is, It's alright with me. We both sat there for a couple of minutes, eventually, he grasped my hand. He was getting warmer so the fire was working. But this fire is also causing him to be very direct towards me. He turned to face me, having a sardonic smile in place. I couldn't help but give him one as well, I lost control when I started leaning in. What am I doing, I'm a fucking idiot for this. But I can't help it. He snickered, playfully leaning in too. It's actually happening, holy shit I need to process this. We were moments apart from each other at that very moment when,

A screeching roar from the west flooded our ears. Separating both of us from each other. "What was that sound?" Walten skittishly gets back onto his feet, looking around. Another monster possibly, and at the worst time too. We'll have to save that 'thing' for later. "Get out a weapon and step out that fire. Something is sensing us." He anxiously stepped it out until we were now in the freezing cold. Taking out that gun I showed him to use. Whatever the thing is, it sounds mad. Another roar was heard from the distance, it sounded closer. "We're gonna have to move before that thing gets us. Just follow the opposite direction of where the scream is coming from." He nodded, grabbing a hold of my hand. Both of us are leading the way this time. The creature was lingering around us, waiting for us to take one wrong move. Making that terrible noise again, coming from the left of us. We both darted across the snow into a new area, repeating the same steps until we eventually found a locked gate. The monster was no longer in distance of us. But farther up North instead. I shook the gate but to no avail, it's locked. They're keeping outsiders out for a reason. "We need to find something to unlock this, I'm gonna go check that abandoned shack." I pointed at the rusting, mediocre shack sitting in the distance. Walten stood by the gate while I went off to go find anything to open that damn fucking gate. Looking around the place, it seemed ransacked. Totally a disappointment if you asked me. I flipped stuff over, throwing snow left and right, and checked extra, and finally. A crowbar sat in the open air, waiting for me to take a hold of it. I picked up the crowbar, studying it closely. That'll do nicely towards that gate's lock. I stepped back outside where Walten was quietly waiting for me. "Did you get something to open it?" He asked, I stuck out the crowbar. Earning a smile from him. "Now let's see if this truly works on this lock." I stuck it between the gate's chain lock, tugging at it multiple times. "This thing shouldn't be this strong!" I gave up after a couple more tries, only for Walten to take it. "Let me see if I can do it." He did the same thing I did, twisting and yanking at it. Finally breaking the gate's chain and opening the gate for us. I was at a loss for words, he was able to break it but I couldn't. Really makes me think about how strong he really is. We both rushed out the gate. Slowly leaving the winter wonderland and ending back at the bare wasteland we call the Outskirts. God was it so good to see this shitty biome again. Even Walten had a smile on his face. We're so close to going home!

Don't really have anything to say here so lol, we back

Have a lovely day!!!!~~~~~~


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