Chapter 6

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Walten's POV

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Was the first thing I heard waking up. I rubbed my eyes and saw that Miles had already gotten up. He must have tried to use the walkie-talkie, but to no avail, It's deader than dead. I brushed myself off and walked outside, it was at least 8 in the morning from the chilly crisp air. "What the hell are you screaming about?" I lied, I knew straight away that he was attempting to contact Anne. He threw the walkie-talkie to the ground and promptly started trying to destroy it. "The damn thing is broken! It doesn't work at all. I tried contacting the others to come get us but I'm getting nothing but silence!" Miles kicked the walkie-talkie off to the side, going through my bag and trying to use mine. He attempted to click at the button to turn it on, but nothing came out of it. "How the fuck are both of these broken?! It must be those damn shitty batteries!" He angrily ripped open the space where the batteries were supposed to be. There was nothing from me removing them last night. Instead of screaming some more, he threw it off the cliff, "You know they want those back, right?" I muttered, he didn't seem to like my response to that. "Who gives a shit about what they want! We're stranded!" He started packing the stuff in his bag away after kicking it around. "We could just walk back, you did want to take the mountain route. Why don't we just do that?" I suggested, packing up as well since I didn't feel like sticking around much longer. He thought about it, it was our only option anyways. "Fine, but we're not stopping. We're gonna keep going until we're back at base. Understand?" I nodded, finishing up with packing.

Here we were again, the swamp. My stomach felt ill knowing we'd have to go through the mainlands again. "You seriously put your helmet away? I thought you would wear it again." I asked, he just shrugged it off while looking at the map. He's been staring at it for about 5 minutes, I think to find his way through the mountains. If I had to be honest, when we first left he led us in circles non-stop in the outskirts. I didn't feel like risking going through circles in the fucking freezing cold. "I don't think I'll need it now, we know what we're up against. I'm just not sure how we'll go through the mountains. Nobody's been there for years and knowing it's probably abandoned by now, We might just have to pull through until we make it out." he folded the map back up, putting it away for later. I huffed, should have expected that. Definitely sounds dangerous and a problem, but it's the only way. They never gave us spare batteries, expecting us to only be out for a day or so. It's been three days and we're completely stranded because I felt selfish. Do I even want to tell him? He's already fuming from the walkie-talkies and me telling him that I sabotaged them is just gonna make it worse. Miles would most certainly leave me behind for it, he's not easy with people who ruin or get in the way of how he wants to do things. 

"Are you alright? You've been staring at nothing for the last minute." Miles asked, stopping for a moment and awaiting my answer. "Oh, I'm fine, just peachy. Let's just continue before we get distracted." he nodded, walking ahead of me. As the swamp atmosphere started to disappear, we were reaching back at the mainlands. No sign of Tink anywhere, which is a good thing if we're being honest here. "That monster isn't here, must have runoff," Miles commented, still holding his gun closely if something ever pops out. He's most likely dead from bleeding out, If he's somehow alive I'll be shocked. What am I supposed to do now? I wanted him alive so if I ever managed to develop a test cure, he was gonna be the first to be tested with. But to no avail, I guess I'm gonna have to use someone different if that ever happens. The past couple of days have been getting to me, I'm worried about my relationship with Miles and now about the past. Anne isn't here to calm me down about it, I just need to stop thinking. I walked almost right into a tree not paying attention, Miles found it funny which made me laugh as well. I don't need to worry. "Hey, what's the plan after we get back?" I nervously awaited an answer, "My plan is to yell at those motherfuckers for leaving us behind. Have you noticed this seems more like a set up now?" He was right, it did seem like a set up even though we did find the issue they wanted us to look into. The more I thought about it, maybe it was just a set up to see if we'd even communicate. I know all this from remembering all the times Lenny has tried to do that, even though all his attempts failed. "It most likely is but I appreciate the effort, I was wondering when we got back if you wanted to hang out sometime?" He gave it a thought for a moment, is he gonna reject me? "Give me five minutes to yell once we get back then we can, I was planning to anyway since we're a bit closer now." Did he want to hang out with me even if I never asked? At this point, I'm dreaming. Maybe there is a tiny, small chance he likes me. Miles doesn't cower back when he dislikes or likes a person, you can just tell by his attitude. I couldn't help but smirk, now my idea really was fucked up. I never wanna bring that up to him with how smoothly everything is going. The mountains were coming into clear view now, just a bit longer and we'll be back at the base.

The snow was thick and slapping into us at high speeds. We were immediately put in this situation after the small conversation. "God it's freezing cold, I didn't expect there to be a fucking snow storm!" Miles hissed, trying to create warmth by rubbing his hands. I don't know how long this is gonna take, but we might freeze halfway. It's too cold, I already feel my paws becoming numb. I shivered, "Put your helmet back on, your face is gonna go numb." Miles shifted a glare, "Doesn't change a damn thing, it's made out of metal. It's gonna make me extra colder." How does anyone even walk through this? The snow is almost tripping me with how thick and cold it is. I spoke too soon as my foot collided with a heavy part of the snow, face-first into the frozen cold wasteland. Without a second thought, I hurriedly got back up on my feet. "Now I feel one hundred times more awake." I sarcastically joke, wiping off bits that stuck to my fur. "You look just like the snow, It's gonna be easy to lose you if we're not careful." Miles turned back to me. My body felt numb and frozen. I felt like a block of ice. "Yeah... not if I turn into a brick of ice first." I coldly laughed, shaking violently. "I don't actually want to lose you out here, especially with you tripping over yourself. Along with being covered in snow, so here." He held his hand out at me. 

What is this? An invitation to hold his hand? You know what, I bet your ass I'll accept it. I grabbed his left hand, this felt comforting and almost heavenly. "You're ice cold, c'mon we need to find somewhere to get you warmed up again." He gripped my hand tightly, wandering off for someplace we could sit by a hot fire. That sounds good about now. He's holding my hand, he's actually doing that. Surprised it's still warm despite the freezing temperatures around us. I couldn't get over it, I kept staring at both of our linked hands. It's been a while since we've gotten here, I hope we don't run into anything. But my luck says otherwise. I never thought I'd ever physically touch Miles. He's an asshole when it comes to physical touch. I think it might be time I finally confess, he's comfortable with holding hands with me. That should be enough evidence. Can't wait to get back and see everyone again, things are gonna be a lot different.

Was gonna end it differently but writers block is killing me. I'm stressed with school yknow. But some news, we finally have an actual cover

Anyways my good people,
I hope you all have a lovely day!!~~~~

Words: 1542

Accidental Attraction {Slendytubbies 3/Walten x Miles}Where stories live. Discover now