Chapter 4

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Walten's POV

Nothing seemed different, though it was a bit bleak. We walked up to the entrance, the door still wide open as it was before. I stepped in before Miles so I could look around for anything, nothing was left behind but I'm not so sure. Dried blood was laced everywhere, nothing new. "Jesus, whatever happened here? It's a bloody mess." Miles concerningly walked around, I turned my attention to the custard machine which was still working. I wonder if it still produces the infected custard. I grabbed one of the bowls, turning on the machine, and clicked random buttons. Slimy pink gooey custard dropped into the bowl, oh wow still the same? I thought by now it would be dried up or something. I stared at it, seeing a bit of my own reflection reflect back at me. What if I just consumed it right now? I've been so hungry, living off crackers and water is getting sickening. The only con of it is turning into a lifeless monster who feeds off of those living. It feels beneficial in a way, I get to rejoin with my friends if an afterlife even exists. I sat the bowl down, It's not worth it, I still have friends who care about me. Miles came over and looked at the machine along with the bowl of pink goo, "The stuff still works? The last time we found these machines they didn't work." He said, picking up the bowl and giving it a closer look. "There's nothing here, I think we should just go-" "No, we're not done yet. There's still something else." I nervously looked around outside to make sure we were still safe, Miles was confused but followed along with it.

I walked over to this large fake rock, bending down and opening it. "How did you know this was here?" "I'll explain inside, c'mon. Just be careful, I'm not sure if the newborns are still roaming here." I climbed down the ladder, lights were still cut off. I just needed to turn the power breaker back on. Miles joined behind me, getting out his flashlight, the place was empty compared to before. I led the way until we reached the breaker room, attempting to repair it. Eventually, the lights came back on, lighting up the place slowly. "Finally, but why did we come here?" Miles asked, "Well, this is where I used to live. I can show you around if you want, if you don't mind I want to stay around a bit to get a reminder of this place. It's been a year, after all, I don't wanna waste it since I don't really go out a lot." I explained, he shrugged like he didn't mind at all. I showed him around, giving him minor details on certain things. The newborns didn't destroy the place thankfully. The final room was my workspace and bedroom. It was the sewers so I had to make room somehow. "This is where I used to make calls to the Satellite Station, along with where I slept. Now that I think of it, it doesn't look too different from my room now." I laughed, taking a seat in my old chair. "You lived like this before the entire apocalypse? I don't understand how you're able to manage anywhere at this point." He rested against the wall, crossing his arms. Maybe this is the right time to ask him, I rather take my chances now instead of never.

"Hey Miles, I wanted to ask something. I want to stay here longer. It's been forever since I came here and I do want to finish the mission but this is more important. Plus after that fall, my body is kinda sore from it, I don't feel like walking around for 5 more hours." His smile faded, giving me a nasty look. This can't be good at all. "Seriously? We're almost there and you wanna waste all this daylight for this junk! I don't want to disappoint the others and stay another day out here. You're not the one to decide!" He hissed, I could feel that being a bad idea to ask but I can't put up with his attitude. "You don't understand, this is important! We can go tomorrow, just not today. Please Miles, I miss being here and this is the one time I get to experience it again!" I sighed. He shook his head, starting to walk off towards the ladder. Shit! He can't just leave, he doesn't know what's out there! "Miles stop! You're gonna get hurt, you don't understand what's even out there!" I blurted, he looked back at me like I was crazy. "There's no monster out there, so far it's been clearly empty. You're just trying to get me to stick around, we have a great thing going here and you're just slowing us down!" He yelled back, climbing up the ladder faster and opening the top of it. I followed behind trying to stop him, "Quiet down, if you keep being loud he'll find us." I tugged at his leg. He rolled his eyes and kept climbing until he reached the ground.

"You're just trying to scare me! There's no monster out here, the only fucking monster is you!" He hissed, walking without me. This stupid motherfucker is gonna get us both killed! He acts so stubborn! I grabbed him again, he slapped my hand off of him. "If there truly was a monster out here, we would hear it! But I hear nothing except your stupid bullshit!" I tried to get him to shut up again but before I could something rang out from afar,

"I know you're here" a deep raspy voice caught us both off guard. "Shit! Miles, we need to get back inside, he'll find us otherwise!" I grabbed him again, not being strong enough to pull him back. "No, we're leaving. After hearing that I don't want to stick around. If you were smart enough you would know that it isn't safe for us to stay." He insisted, trying to continue to leave. But I held onto his arm tightly, we weren't going anywhere. Large stomping came from the distance Miles wanted to go to, I let go of him and listened. From the distance a purple blob could be seen, that could only be Tinky Winky. He never left the mainlands, instead, he gave up on chasing me once I escaped. "Walten let's go already! I don't wanna stick around for this creature to find us!" Instead of going by himself again, he grabbed me and started dragging me along. He hasn't seen Tinky in the distance, who was getting closer to us. "I see you!" he shouted from afar, running towards us. I panicked, "MILES!" I shouted at the green tubby who then turned to see the enormous infected running towards us. He let me go, grabbing his gun and trying to aim for it. He's gonna get hurt doing this! He's right, we need to leave NOW! He pushed me away, "Stay back, I don't want you to get hurt by this creature!" He hissed, aiming, and taking a few shots. He's... protecting me? I didn't bring a gun with me, all I have is a knife he let me borrow. I don't know how to use one either way. He's never done this for me, is this a change of heart? I need to help him, I don't want him to do this all by himself. "Let me help, you're gonna need more help than yourself." 

He didn't respond, giving me a small revolver instead to use against the creature. If only I listened to gun instructions. I took a shot and ended up dropping the gun from shaky hands, It didn't even go in the right direction either. Miles noticed this and put his gun back in his bag along with that revolver, "Follow me, I'll find us a way out of here!" he shouted, taking a head start and running towards the hills. I ran with him, turning back to see Tinky gaining ground on us, though he was slowing down since a few shots hit him. Maybe blood loss will get him to eventually stop. We started reaching the bottoms of the hills, this would take us to the swamp, which is almost where we need to be. We rushed up the hill, my body was so numb from just running all the time. I ended up slipping and falling back down a bit where there was only distance between me and Tinky Winky, I reacted fast enough and got back up but was falling behind by a lot. Miles turned back to me struggling to catch up. I expected him to continue for his own safety he went back for me and surprisingly picked me up. I grabbed onto him to prevent slipping as he ran farther from Tinky with me on his back. This is unusual, he came back for me and picked me up! This Miles has grown onto me, he's treated me so much better. I'm so in love with it, or am I in love with him? 

I kept looking back until we had reached out of the mainlands, where Tinky Winky was nowhere to be seen. The bullet wounds stopped him from getting us. I didn't feel like going back if I had to deal with him again. Miles stopped as soon as we reached the swamp, taking a breather. I got off of his shoulders, standing there with only a red face from Miles' nice act. He took note of my face and laughed, "we're fine now, I didn't want to leave you behind so that was my only option. Are you alright?" He asked, I smiled and gave him a short nod. "I'm fine, just running too much has me tired. But I'll be fine while we're going through the swamp." I couldn't stop staring at him. I had to ask myself again,

Am I actually in love with him?

I'm surprised I even finished this today, I was expecting to drop it and finish it a week later but I have some motivation now to get back into writing. Okay okay I get it you all want lovey-dovey things by now, but I wanna take this slow and make it enjoyable as possible. There was gonna be more with this chapter but I'm tired to write more.
I hope you all have a lovely day!!~~~~


Accidental Attraction {Slendytubbies 3/Walten x Miles}Where stories live. Discover now