Chapter 5

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Miles' POV

Nothing out here was giving us a break, we're always running from something. It would have been smarter if they sent more than just the two of us, but I guess they're lacking people they could send out. Walten was staring at me, he must still be conflicted with me helping him. I didn't want to leave him behind with whatever that steroid inducing monster was. He turned away from me and started checking out the area. "Hopefully we run into nothing here, I don't think we will since who is in the right mind to inhabit a swamp?" Walten laughed at his own comment, I found it quite charming that he's able to keep a high spirit after that. What are you saying, Miles? Are you seriously calling that white fur ball cute?! Quit being a weirdo! "Yeah, we should hurry up. Dusk is coming faster than I expected, I don't want to sleep in a swamp." I responded, wait I know what would be fun for this boring trip across the swamp. "Guess what? I'll race you to the end of the swamp, the loser sets up camp tonight!" I got a head start with Walten yelling about it behind me. I expected him to stay behind me but he caught up and ran past me. We were only halfway out and I'm already losing! I lost track of time by then while racing Walten, somehow I caught back up. Both of us now at a tie.

Time passed and I didn't even notice we had made it out of the swamp, "We did it, but it's a tie. That means we have to split the work." He grinned, I rolled my eyes knowing he's right. He got the map out and checked for our current location, "What we're looking for is right over this hill, we can check and set up camp there." He put the map away, "Why can't we just call for them to pick us up? They never even told us directly what the issue was." I guess it's better to go see what it was. We both climbed the hilltop, the view was so pretty to look at. The sun setting behind the mountains with the colors of red and yellow filling the sky. Below was a cliff, the issue was a hoard of newborns. "Newborns? I thought it would be more serious. But I guess they don't want the place to be covered with them. They are becoming less of an issue now." Walten tried to count them all, "That's at least dozens, but they can't really climb cliffs." "If we leave them there, they'll build up over time Walten. That's the issue. I say we shoot them all and leave." Walten raised his eyebrow at that idea.

"That would most certainly draw attention, especially since we're planning to rest here for tonight. I don't want to be attacked while I'm trying to sleep. We do it in the morning while waiting for the others to come get us." He turned back to start getting things set up. "They're at the bottom of a cliff! We didn't see any passing the mainlands or swamp so why worry?" He ignored me and continued with setting up. What's his fucking issue? If we wait there will be more alive than dead. I remembered back when we were trying to stop that creature, Walten didn't have a single clue on how to use a gun. He didn't even aim right and dropped it after shooting. Maybe that's his issue. "Is it because you can't shoot a gun? I saw you fire the wrong way while I was distracting the creature" I giggled, it was kinda funny he didn't know how to use one of the more simpler weapons. He groaned and rolled his eyes, "No shit, I never needed to use one until now." "Well after you're finished with camp I can try to teach you if you'd like." I sat down my bag and helped him like I was supposed to. Once everything was finished up and we had a small fire going, I grabbed the small revolver from my bag. I handed it to Walten who just stared at it, turning it around and giving it a weird look.

"Hey! Don't aim it at yourself, I don't want you to accidentally shoot yourself!" I sighed, making him turn it to face the air. "Sorry! Just help me with this instead of yelling please." I looked around for anything he could shoot, we had an old glass bottle in one of the bags. It wasn't anything we needed and must have already been used. I sat it up on our stacked bags and other things, Walten wasn't really tall so it wasn't an issue. "Alright, I need you to stand still. Make sure you don't flinch or that messes up your aim." He nodded, standing silently making sure his stance was right. "Imagine the bottle as a newborn, you don't want to waste time aiming right but at the same time, you don't want to miss. Take a moment to breathe in and out" He took a small breather, "Are you sure you're teaching me right? This seems more like therapy." He commented. "Yeah yeah, don't aim too high or low. Make it the perfect angle." I helped him with making sure his arms were in the right position. "You're ready, take the shot. Just remember to do everything I told you before taking another shot." Walten stared down the bottle, clicking back on the trigger. It missed the bottle by an inch, "You're close, aim more to the left. Keep your body straight." He repeated the steps and tried again. This time the bottle broke into small glass shards, he did it and hit it at the right angle! "I did it! I think I could get used to doing this." He smiled coming at me for a hug, I flinched as he wrapped his arms around me.

He's hugging me, I didn't expect this... but man is it comforting. I think he deserves one for all that. I hugged him back, both of us holding each other in our arms. It sadly only lasted a minute before Walten backed away, "Sorry if that was awkward, I just wanted to thank you in some way for helping me. You're a nice guy Miles." He folded his arms awkwardly, "It's alright, I'm proud of you. I think you're really smart." He blushed, using his hat to block me from seeing it. "Okay enough of that, I'm hungry and want to enjoy the fire. You gonna run off again or join me" He laughed, going to his bag and grabbing a snack. "I would most likely run off this cliff if I did." I sat down across from Walten by the fire. This felt peaceful, more peaceful than the last time. God, it's cold, winter was coming faster than I expected. I just hope it doesn't hit during the middle of the night. "You should take off your helmet" Walten glanced at me, "Huh? Why?" What the hell is he planning? We just sat down and now he wants to see my face. "I showed you what's under my hat, can I finally see your face? You always have it on near me. You slept with it on too, you fucking weirdo." I groaned, he's right so maybe it's fair if I do. "Fine but you gotta take the hat back off too," immediately he knocked the hat made of leather off his head, waiting for me to take off the helmet. I unattached the hooks that kept it connected to my face and slipped it right off, sitting it down beside me. I was nervous for his response, what if he was gonna bash me for that one scar near my eye? "Well here's my face, how do I look?"

Walten's POV

He's handsome, holy shit. Miles has the face of a literal angel. I didn't expect him to be this ATTRACTIVE! God, those stupid thoughts are back again. Though someone as pretty and cool as Miles would never like me like that. I need to admit to myself that I do have a crush on him and stop rejecting it. If I had to be completely honest, I've had feelings for him ever since we met. Something about him was just different, a good kind of different. But when he became mean I just completely ignored those feelings. Now they're back and stronger. I'm such a pathetic loser. I couldn't stop staring, the only thing that came out of my mouth was "Handsome." startling Miles and making him become red as a tomato. I snapped out of it after a bit, "I think you look handsome, don't take that the wrong way though. The scar makes you look even better too." I smiled. "Thanks, your hair still looks nice though I never really noticed how long it is. You ever gonna trim it?" he laughed, I played with my hair a bit. I never felt like cutting it, yeah it was long and definitely longer than Anne's but I like it that way. "No, the scissors we have back at the base won't even cut a strand of it off. That's why it's always in a stupid looking ponytail." The sky was getting darker, today was awfully interesting. We got chased by two monsters, we've finally reached the end of the mission.

I expected this to be longer but it went by so quickly. I wanted this to be longer, I enjoy spending time with Miles where he isn't always mad at something or someone. Maybe there's a way I can make this trip longer so we don't have to go back and forget these events ever happened. "Well, I've had enough for today. I'm heading off to bed early, this time I won't leave the helmet on sleeping because that was a terrible mistake." Miles got up and headed inside the tent. I continued to sit by the fire. I noticed the walky-talky in his bag, what if I tear out the batteries and replace them with mine? Mine has been dead since we started. We'll have to walk back, though I hate to do that, I don't wanna go back just yet. Sorry Miles, I'll make this up to you later. I went over and grabbed his walky-talky, taking out the batteries and throwing them off the cliff. Getting the dead ones from mine and putting them in the place where the working ones were. Making sure it looked like nothing was ever touched. I'm pretty tired now, I might as well go to bed. I hope this works out and doesn't end up becoming a mess.

Me writing fanfics instead of next week's due essays is hilarious. I wanted to make this longer so I had to come up with some idea in the mix, I don't want to end it off with 6 chapters. I'm the type who doesn't like short fanfics so I'm sparing every one of those by trying to make this one at least last for 10 chapters or more. I want to make another ship fanfic after this but my prompts are a little low right now.
I hope you all have a lovely day!!~~~


Accidental Attraction {Slendytubbies 3/Walten x Miles}Where stories live. Discover now