Chapter 3

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Miles' POV

I awoke with a strange warmth around my left hand, feeling seemingly comforting. I rubbed my eyes and turned over to see Walten's face smushed into my arm. What the actual fuck! He's snuggling my arm?! I hope he didn't do this on purpose, he must have fallen asleep and changed positions. Though it is quite comfortable and I don't want him to assume I was trying to touch him during his sleep. Fuck it, just need to move my hand away slowly so it doesn't wake him up. I quietly slid my hand out from under him, trying not to hit him. I was able to get my hand out, from there I checked my bag and got out the walky-talky. I should call Anne and the rest, just so they know we're okay.

I walked outside where the fire was only now ashes. I clicked the button on the side, only to hear the noise of static for a moment; before someone picked up. "Well, if it isn't Miles. How is it so far?" Anne asked, I could hear her doing some sorting out in the background. "Fine, we've made it ¼ of the way. It got dark before we could even continue, so we stopped." "Glad you're okay, how's White? If he's even awake yet." Somehow he hadn't woken up yet, he does tend to sleep longer for some odd reason. "He's still passed out, he's fine too. I attempted to talk to him last night" That got Anne's attention real quick, "Really? You two actually communicating instead of acting like you're in couples therapy?! C'mon, tell me all the good stuff!" I explained to her most of what we talked about, I left out a bit since most of it was between Walten and me. Something about me telling everyone he's not normal makes my stomach feel ill. "Awh, I'm glad to see a change. I knew this was a good idea!" "What?" "Nothing! Nevermind that, just be safe since you have all day today to make it to the location." I sighed, signing off and putting the walky-talky in my pocket. I could hear the tent unzip from behind me, I turned back to see Walten rubbing his eyes.

"Look who's finally awake, I've already told Anne that we're fine. Hurry it up, we need to get moving." He just shrugged and started packing up the supplies. With a little bit of my help of course. "We need to start moving beyond the outskirts, apparently where we're supposed to go is outside of it. We might have to take a shortcut through" Walten looked at the map, scanning the area with his paw. A shortcut? Can't we just go through the mountains? That would be easier though I don't like the thought of freezing my ass off. Sounds like a terrible idea to me. "Why not the mountains? I just know the shortcut you wanna take is probably really dangerous." he glanced at me and folded the map, "Nope, shortcut It'll only take us around 10 minutes to get through it." I groaned, getting my things and taking a head start.

3rd person POV

Miles and Walten were walking along a seemingly old path that would take them to the shortcut that Walten wanted to take. Miles wasn't sure if he wanted to bring up the whole hand thing from this morning, both were in a really good mood and he didn't feel like ruining a good moment. He had opened his mouth but Walten already had something to say, "Hey Miles, I wanted to ask you something before I forget. I never got to mention it last night." He looked over at him with a questionable face. Enough to make Miles worry that something is up, wondering if he said something last night he shouldn't have said. "Go ahead, I have time to listen since this 'shortcut' is longer than I expected." "I wanted to ask, why were you always so rude towards me? After we met you were so nice for a short amount of time but after you just completely changed on me. I thought it was my fault and that you didn't like me helping you and Anne. I wanted to ask for so long but every time we saw each other we'd fight. Since we're both alone now and nothing to get in the way, I wanted to know." Miles' face dropped, he never knew why he was so rude to White. He's never done anything to him that could piss him off, only ever being a dick back when he was a dick first. What was the real reason? Was there even a reason at all? "If I had to answer honestly, I don't know. I thought I did it because you were new and everyone got so excited over you and I hated the attention you got. I never thought you took it to heart like that, It's not your fault anyway dipshit. I would have told you it was your fault from the start." Walten let out a sigh of relief and smiled, he always thought there was something more than just a simple jealousy issue. There was a seemingly silent walk for most of the way after, Miles still wanted to bring up the whole hand cuddling thing. Understandably, he didn't as he'd never want White to feel uncomfortable for something that's not even his fault. He looked around at the once beautiful skies that were filled with life, now only bleak and bringing terror among those who see them. He questioned how any of them managed to get this far, they were lucky enough to have a place to call home while others weren't so lucky in this apocalyptic place. They had managed to reach a cave, tiny screams echoed inside not being sure if it was their head messing with them. "A cave? Listen I'm not taking it if you don't know the way, I'm not getting lost and starving to death because of you." Miles complained, folding his arms while staring at the dark abyss of the cave entrance. "I've been through it before, just follow my lead. We need to be careful though! Stay quiet too, I don't wanna alert the thing lurking inside there." White already had a headstart inside with Miles meekly following behind. Their steps echoed, both were praying they didn't run into the thing that guards this cave. Muffled scratches came from afar but it was the least of their worries as they didn't want to pay attention to it and get out of here as quickly as they could. They stumbled upon the hole Walten fell through when he first came through here, though the rocks made it so they were able to climb up them. "It's steep but it's our only way up." He jumped up grabbing onto the side and began to climb, trying not to slip. Miles watched trying to see if he'll be able to copy his exact movements. After succeeding in climbing to the top they continued to make their way through the cave. The random noises only began to get louder, loud stomping started to reach them. The stomping stopped abruptly, the two let out a sigh. "Thankfully we're almost to the end, just need to stay on the right path," Walten announced, if he had to be truthful, that monster threw them off a bit. A light in the distance started to appear ahead of them, "We're getting closer." He pointed at the fuzzy-faded light. Almost reaching the exit, the monster behind them spotted them, roaring loudly as they both stopped in their tracks from sudden shock. 

"RUN FOR IT!" Walten grabbed Miles' hand and started bolting out of the cave, getting followed by the large creature that guarded it. Miles took a look back, seeing a huge monster with brown fur and a really messed up eye and arm. Making him more terrified than he already was. The light ahead started getting closer becoming more brighter, the monster started getting closer to them, trying to grab them. Reaching the outside, they kept running until they realized it was a steep drop as they started tumbling down. The creature huffed, slyly going back to it's resting place. The two on the other hand were trying not to injure themselves as they tumbled down, Walten hitting the ground first and Miles falling down second right on top of him. Walten rubbed his head, looking up to see Miles laying on him. Miles didn't notice until he regained control again after that awful fall, looking back flustered. Though Walten couldn't see it due to his helmet being in the way, he could tell and became flustered too. They sat there for a few seconds trying to understand what was happening, Miles soon got up while brushing himself off looking away from Walten. He didn't feel like making it awkward since it wasn't at all intentional. As they both got back on their feet, they looked around at where they were now. A once very colorful mainlands was now a dreadful mess. "Are we still going the right way?" Miles asked, only receiving a nod from Walten who kept staring in the distance. "Are you okay? Listen I wasn't gonna mention it but I'm sorry-" "No it's okay, It's not that. I'm just... looking around." He wanted to finish this mission but at the same time wanted to waste a day or so to go through the mainlands. He didn't want to tell Miles who's normally impatient with these sorts of things. Though besides exploring, they had to worry about the thing that walked around this area. Someone who Walten didn't want to run into. Miles started walking ahead, noticing the small dome in the distance. "Hey, maybe we should look into that weird shaped place over there. It might have something useful." Walten didn't want to question it since that was over a year ago, things change. He joined Miles in going over to explore the dome, hoping nothing goes bad.

Hi, I'm still alive, lifes been a mess and I lost writing motivation. But hey I finished this chapter, I was planning to finish then do chapter 4 and upload both for my absence. Due to having no energy chapter 3 is enough for now, depending on my mood chapter 4 might not take so long. That's only if school doesn't ruin it.
I hope you all have a lovely day!!~~


Accidental Attraction {Slendytubbies 3/Walten x Miles}Where stories live. Discover now