Chapter 2

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Walten's POV

God damn asshole, he never gets tired of bothering me. What even is his issue, I never did shit to him. Not counting the times I fought back but he's so stupid, can't believe I work with him! I sighed, throwing myself onto my cozy bed. I wonder how they're doing, my friends after all. I'm trying my best to hurry it up so I can leave here. I like it here but some of the people get on my nerves, any moment I feel like snapping. I've kept myself calm for this long besides the whole breakdown deals. What if this never happened? What if I was still back home in my base watching them, where nothing was wrong and nobody was being murdered. Sounds like a paradise honestly. I snapped out of thought after I heard the intercom come on,

"Can SGT Miles and The Guardian please come to the main area?"

What the fuck, Miles, and me? You're kidding me. I got up and started walking to the hall, not paying attention. This sucks, why does Richard need me and Miles?! He's more useless than me. I swear it better be something short and not long-term. I don't want to waste my time on him. If it wasn't bad enough, I ran into Miles by accident while turning the corner. "Watch it you dumbass." he hissed. I decided to walk in front of him to bother him along the way, if expected he bitched the entire way about how slow I am. We finally made it to the main hall where I saw Richard and Anne, not going to lie I had a bad feeling about this.

"There you two are, listen there's an issue a little far from here and we need you two to go look at it. You're the only available two who will take the job anyway." Richard said, "What?! I'm not working with this sack of shit! He's useless!" Miles huffed, earning a glare from Anne, "Listen it's only for a little while. If you want to make it quick we can go pick you guys up instead after you finished the job. Miles it's not that bad, stop being whiny."

It shut him up, soon after, we got packed with supplies we would need. What is this, a fucking camping trip?! "This is a bunch of stuff, you sure you're not trying to get rid of us?" I jokingly commented, Miles didn't find it funny. God, he needs to lighten up a little, seriously. "Don't worry we aren't, W, you're just going to travel by foot so you will need all of this at some point." Both of us walked outside, If it wasn't bad enough it was starting to get colder, winter is such a shitty season. Anne was making this seem like a hurry, she'd already given us our things and a second later we're outside the gate waiting for them to hurry up and send us off, "Alright, make sure to communicate with us on the walky-talkies so we know you aren't dead!" "You think I'll survive working with him? That's the greatest joke I've heard" Miles coldly laughed. He's dying first, I'm betting. With his arrogance and obnoxiousness, he's gonna die before me. Anne gave us both a thumbs up and walked inside the gated up area, shutting the gate on our faces.

"Don't fucking try to speak with me, I'm gonna be the one leading since I know you won't do a better job." He frowned, grabbing the marked map from his backpack. Fucking dickhead, we haven't even gone anywhere and he already seems like he's gonna burst a vessel from just me existing. I decided to just do what he said and walked behind him the entire time. I don't know whether he was petty or a dumbass, but breathing loudly was also something to not do. I scoped out the areas along the way, as something to keep in mind along the way. "Hey, I know you don't want me to speak and all, but do you even know where we're going? You look clueless." I said, only for Miles to turn his head and glare at me, "What's the map for then dumbass? Of course, I know where we are, we're just- in the middle of the outskirts." He doesn't know where we are, what a shocker. I walked up to him and took the map from his hands, glancing at it before he snatched it away. "Hey! This is mine, I know where we are!" "No, we've gone nowhere. We need to take a left, passed the outskirts. You're just leading us in circles." He wasn't amused nor denying the fact he was wrong, he just slammed the map into my hands, "Fine smartass, you lead the way!"

Accidental Attraction {Slendytubbies 3/Walten x Miles}Where stories live. Discover now