Chapter 8 [FINAL]

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Walten's POV
We finally made it back! This is the best feeling in the world. We're finally going back home after this long stressful adventure. Though I enjoyed it, especially with Miles who I nearly was able to connect with, literally. We both gave each other a hopeful smile. I grabbed onto his hand, wanting to keep holding it forever. He didn't even mind anymore. After all, Miles' did pick him up and let him nuzzle into his shoulder. "This should only take us around a couple of hours to fully get back. Feel like racing?" Miles urged, already getting in motion to run. "Hell yeah! I'm definitely gonna beat you this time!" I took off seconds after saying that, with Miles yelling behind me calling me a cheater for starting already. I can't wait to go home, I can work on my important work again, though there's always something missing from it. I need to progress more. We both stopped halfway, catching our breaths with laughter filling the air. Moments after we stopped, ready to take off again but I had something to ask of Miles.

"Hey Miles, I have a sort of request. It's important to me." He gave a confused expression but knocked it off, "What is it?" I stopped in my tracks. "I wanted to ask, I know you know me well but not that well. I'm always cooped up in my room trying and struggling to find a way to make a cure and fix the world. It's a lot of work by myself but I've gotten a fair amount done. My request is, I want you to be a part of it too. I've truly gotten to know you and desire you to help me with it. It'll take off the stress you encounter every day with other duties." Miles thought about it for a second, though it didn't take him long, "Of course, I would love to work with you. But, is there a catch?" His eyebrow perked, "If you want there to be one, anything goes~" I winked, his face turning red as he huffs it off, while I laughed at his reaction. "Alright alright! Enough of that. I wanted to thank you for letting me get a chance to finally meet you. To be more a part of your life really, the last couple of days we're interesting per se." I knew he generally meant that. It's sweet of him, he's finally shown his soft side to me. Anne was right, dude's a total softie in private. "Let's keep on going, don't wanna have to fight through sundown." he agreed, and we continued on our final part of our journey.

As the largely surrounded base was coming into view, time seemed to slow down. I didn't wanna let go of what we've been through this entire time together. It's the best thing I've felt all year. Really makes up for losing your friends, now that he wants to help contribute to getting them back. To really think before this we were arguing over a game of pool that Lenny made us play together. We should play the game again, sounds relaxing. Thinking of it now, we've been out here for so long that now my fur stinks. It's only been three days! I wonder how everyone at the base feels right now that we haven't contacted them yet. Due to my fatal mistake that ended up not backfiring. They're probably in a panic right now trying to figure out what to do now. Can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see that Miles and I are really close now, or very aware that we both like each other romantically. 

We walked closer, a few guards were on duty. Not seeing us come closer just yet. The place still seemed the same, nobody was worried and it just seemed like a normal day. We both arrived at the large iron gate for a guard to see us and run into the base to tell everyone that we're back. I noticed that Miles had stopped holding hands with me and laid his hand on my shoulder, "Walten-" He hesitated nervously. I lifted a brow and flipped around to face him, "Wh-" was that only thing I could say before I was cut off by Miles suddenly kissing me. Holy shit, I hit the fucking jackpot now did I? It felt so soft and safe, my body reacted by falling into his arms. Resting my paw on his cheek while holding back onto his paw. It felt passionate, making it all feel so fake yet so real. I really hope nobody witnesses this.

3rd Person POV
"But I'm sure we put new double A's in those walkie-talkies! They should have contacted us back by now!" Anne couldn't stop pacing around the room. Miles nor Walten have attempted to contact them in a day. "Something could have happened on the way and they could be alive or dead!" "Whatever happened I'm sure they're fine. Miles knows how to care for himself! So does Snowball!" Lenny reassured her. While Conor and Dutch we're trying to see if they could try to take a helicopter out to look for them. When one of the soldiers came bursting through the upper gate top door, "They're alive! They made it back safely!" He shouted, urging them to come and see. The four of them were delighted to see they're both back and safe. Out of everyone Anne was excited most. Her plan might have actually worked! They could be out there right now finally able to stand next to each other without fighting. They can finally be friends!

Anne rushed out the door and never thought she was ever gonna witness anything like this. There was Miles and Walten both making out in front of the gates. They hadn't noticed the rest of the group who was shocked and absolutely stunned. That's until Lenny had to comment on it, "What is going on?!" He looked at the two who were just startled now. Looking at all of them who were standing at the gate. "Fuck off! don't any of you know privacy?" Miles hissed, while they both returned to what they were doing. This time Walten removed his hat, showing off his antenna and blocking them from looking. Stunning everyone once more. "Dude he has an antenna! That's so cool and it's shaped like a lightning bolt too!" Dutch commented, everyone, nobody said anything. With all that commotion, Captain Richard finally made his appearance wondering what was happening outside. "What is everyone shouting about! What's going on!" He saw the couple and groaned. "Miles! Get yourself together, you're scaring the group. Both of you! Get a fucking room you two!"

Miles finally let go, looking embarrassed. Out of all the people, It had to be his own boss that sees it. "Why are you complaining?! I should be the one complaining, you all nearly got us murdered out there! Those damn batteries didn't even work!" He continued to yell at the group. When they thought Miles' rant was over, Lenny decided to open his mouth yet again. "Anne, your plan went a little too far-" he tried to whisper it off but Miles quickly caught it. "Aha! It was a setup! And your version of the setup failed! Now if you could excuse us, we're gonna go unpack." he grabbed Walten's hand who was laughing at the group's traumatized looks. Leaving the things at the entrance, stopping for a moment.

"Hey Miles, I love you"
         "I love you too, White."

The end is finally here! 
Once I started writing I just got into it and kept going. Thank you all for reading! I appreciate the support :D!! I really feel like making a WalTinky fanfic next, as I've run out of them to read and feel like making my own. I'm not sure when I'll start it though. 

I hope you have a lovely day!!!~~~~~~~


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