Chapter 1

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Walten's POV

I slide around in my office chair, nibbling quietly on my pen. Think white. Think, we need ideas for possible cures. I slid back to my desk, "no use now, as long as the newborn army has slowed down the cure shouldn't be that far away." I did it for one and one thing only, to see my friends again. It's been a year since I've last seen them completely alive, I wonder if I'll be able to redeem for Noo-Noo's faults.

I heard a sudden creak as someone busted into my room, it was Lenny with a large cue stick, "Heeyyy snowball! I see you're not doing anything today! I was thinking you can join me in a game of pool? I got Conor, Dutch, and Miles to play so why don't you?" Play with someone like Miles? Would be a hard pass for me, he's a huge dickhead and us trying to play pool together would end up a total disaster. "Lenny I would, really but c'mon you know I would be strangling Miles after a few minutes of playing. Pass for me." He sighed, hoping he would give up by now but instead I was yanked from my seat, "Seriously Lenny, I'm not playing" "Don't be such a weirdo, you two need to bond if you fight this much, and pool is the answer!" I groaned as he continued to drag me until we hit the break room.

3rd Person POV

"Took you long enough, did you get White?" Dutch asked, setting up the triangle of balls. Miles sat offside, acting like a whiny child when Walten was dragged in. "Yep! He doesn't want to play but I told him to give it a chance!" Lenny exclaimed, letting go of Walten, who proceeded to stand on the other side away from Miles. "Now let's play one round without getting into a catfight!" that earned a glare from white and green tubbies.

So far, the game had run smoothly. No outbursts or anything. Just a normal game of pool, Miles was currently winning so far with Lenny being the loser. Walten played it off normally, he never really hung out with the rest. Preferring to be alone. His turn was up, he lined up his shot with the ball and took his chance. The ball knocked two others, one almost falling in but slightly lost speed. As disappointed as he was, it was only a game and didn't matter too much. Miles took this as a chance to be spiteful, "Do you even know how to play? You hit like a grandma" Walten scoffed it off, "Don't be so bitter jackass, this is why no one wants to talk to you." Out of all the things that could make Miles mad, somehow that did the trick. His hands scrunched up, the cue being suffocated. "Oh yeah? All you do is sit in that goddamn room all day, make use of yourself!" Walten sighed, throwing Lenny his cue, "I've played enough for today, maybe next time when you don't invite granny smith apple here, I'll play." He walked away and left the room causing Miles to go after him, he wasn't going to leave him alone until he got the last insult in. "Granny Smith apple? Coming from the tampon I'm not even hurt! Where are you going anyways, you're always a coward." He turned to face Miles, giving the middle finger in return. No one understood the hatred between the two, but that didn't stop the rest from trying to make it work.

Anne's POV

None of us understood exactly why Miles and W always tried to murder each other. I work with both of them and yet, I have no idea how they even started it. Miles has always been a cool guy, but when W came around after we found him and the whole apocalypse started. He just became more irritable, choosing to take it out on Walten. Maybe he blames him for what happened? But it's not his fault, he didn't choose for it to happen either. After all, we've seen a lot and I never find it the right idea to start bashing everyone. I wonder if I can somehow fix it.

I was about to go report something to the lower level when I saw Miles yelling and running the other way. Again? I stood correct as Walten was standing there too, giving him the bird and going back to his space. It seriously never stops, I walked to the lounge room where Lenny and the rest were watching, "You tried to get them to play together again? Seriously, Lenny, it's the 7th time you've done that. They can see through your tricks now" He scoffed, "Like you have a better idea, Anne? We've tried everything! Even, Richard won't help us. I don't see how they fight like cats all the time. They always are alone in their own time like seriously, how much do you despise each other that you won't come out of your room?!" an idea popped into my head, honestly we should have thought it from the start but it never clicked.

"Well I do have one, I say we tell the captain that we have another machine or incident on the line. But instead of him sending any of us, we fake being busy so he has to make Miles and Walten do it! With that, I also was going to turn in some documents for a future search. It's easy, they're both together alone and have to deal with each other until they get back." the others seemed possibly intrigued by this, I had gotten everyone to agree with me. Now was the time to play it out correctly and see what happens.

I walked down to where Richard was talking with a few others about some bullshit business. I tapped on his shoulder to get his attention, "Oh Anne, I'm in the middle of something here-" "Listen, sir, I have some important news. There's an issue going on outside of here that needs to be looked at, we need to send someone out." He looked confused for a second but shrugged it off. "Fine, I'll send you and Miles to go after it" "Actually sir, I'm busy I have some things to attend to. Just make White take my place, he offered anyways." It worked like a charm, Richard excused himself, and went to his desk to turn on the intercoms, he flipped the switch to on,

"Can SGT Miles and The Guardian please come to the main area?" 

Hiya! I'm back with a new fandom. So I can't find any fanfics for Milten/Wiles so I'm making my own for my own entertainment. This is just an introductory chapter the next one will start off our story :> The cover is a placeholder for now until I can make one myself.

Accidental Attraction {Slendytubbies 3/Walten x Miles}Where stories live. Discover now