Radio Tower

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We ended up walking to an abandoned neighborhood.
Joel walked up to Ellie.
"Hey. How're you holding up?"
"Business as usual right?"
He then turned to me.
"How bout you Logan?"
"I'm fine." I was so tired.

We dropped down on to the road in front of us when we got shot at from the building at the end of the street.
"Sniper!" Joel pulled all of us down behind a car.
"Jesus christ." I was so startled.
"Alright, here's the plan, Logan and I are gonna walk around and see if we can't get the angle on him-"
"Logan?" Ellie started to protest the idea.
"Now before you start." Joel cut her off
"I need you guys to distract him."
I grabbed Ellie's hand.
"It'll be okay." Joel and I started walking behind other cars on the street.

"Hey chicken shit!" I popped my head out to distract the sniper from Joel, thankfully he missed me.
I started to walk to other cars, but felt a bullet hit my shoulder, which sent me flying back but I ran behind the car.
"Motherfucker." I put my hand on the wound.

After a few minutes, the sniping stopped as Joel killed the man who was sniping at us, and I ran into the building he was in, standing at the doorway.

We heard the mounted turret come for us, so I ran up to it, having all of it's bullets miss me.
"Logan!" Ellie saw what I was doing and cried out to me, trying to get me to stop, but once I was on top of the car, I opened the hatch and shot everyone inside.
The car crashed into the side of a building but I jumped off.

Grabbing my shoulder still I walked towards Ellie, Sam and Henry.

"Well that guys taken care of." I let out a smile chuckle as I collapsed on to the ground.
Everything sounded distorted but I remember hearing Ellie and Henry talking about being close to the radio tower but then everything went to black.

I felt a hand going through my hair as I came to.
"Ellie?" I saw her as I opened my eyes, and she had tears in hers.
I felt weak, but I sat up.
"What's wrong?"
She didn't say a word, but hugged me, and I could feel that she was crying, but silently.
"Oh, baby." I whispered as I rubbed her back.
"I thought you died." Her voice was cracking, making my eyes tear up.
"It's okay, i'm still here."
She pulled away from the hug and I saw tear trails going down her cheek.
"You still gotta deal with me." I started to wipe the tears off her face, as she gave me a saddened giggle.
"Where are the others?"
She sniffed and said they're in the other room making food.
"Okay, well, i'm gonna get a bite to eat" I stood up and Ellie stood up with me.
We opened the door and walked through as Henry and Joel were sitting and talking.
"Hey guys." I said weakly.
"Oh, hey!" They were excited to see me.
"Jesus kid you got some stones. I mean, we saw what you did with that jeep. Fuck, man. Here, eat some." Henry gave me a can of beans.
"Yeah for sure."
"Where's Sam?"
"In the other room."
"Ah, well i'll leave you too alone." I started eating some beans as I walked into the room Sam was in and Ellie followed.
"Hey, what're you doing?" I took another spoonful of beans.
"Taking stock of all the food we found today."
"Ah." I kept eating.
"Did Henry send you guys?"
"No, why would Henry send us?" Ellie answered.
"To make sure I'm not fucking up somehow."
"Well, I'd say we all did good today." Ellie said hopefully.
"Especially you." I said trying to cheer him up.
"Oh that reminds me." Ellie pulled out a toy that Henry didn't let Sam carry.
"If he doesn't know about it then he can't take it away."
It was silent for a minute.
"Well, i'm pooped. Goodnight." Ellie and I were going to the door but Sam spoke up.
"How is it that you guys aren't afraid?"
"Who said we aren't?" I put the now empty can of beans on a shelf.
"Well you guys don't seem bothered by any of this."
"Well, I get scared." I put my hands in my pockets.
"Yeah right, I saw you take down a whole mounted gun earlier."
"Yeah, and it was terrifying."
Sam scoffed and looked at Ellie.
"What're you afraid of?"
"I'm scared of ending up alone."
I looked at her and then looked down, crossing my arms.
"What about you, Logan?"
"Uhm..." I cleared my throat.
"I'm afraid that I'll lose the one thing I care about."
Sam scoffed again
"How about you?" I asked
Sam looked out the window.
"Do you think those people are still in there? Like they're there but have no control over their bodies."
"Okay, we're a team now so you don't have to worry about that, and they may look like people but they are not in there anymore." Ellie tried reassuring Sam.
"Henry says they're in a better place. Heaven. Do you believe that?"
He looks at me.
"I go back and fourth but... I guess not."
It got quiet again.
"I think i should get some rest." I spoke up.
"See you tomorrow Sam."

Ellie and I walked back to the room I had woken up in.

"What is the one thing you care about that you mentioned?" Ellie leaned her head on my shoulder.
"Fucking sap." She giggled.
"Oh fuck you." I said back to her, as I wrapped my arms around her, drifting to sleep.

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