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It was snowing out, but we had Joel and the horse in a garage.
We found an abandoned town.
Ellie had just found a needle and thread and was sewing Joel up.
"There, that should be good for now."
I was sitting in the corner, but got up to put my jacket on him.
As I sat back down, Ellie sat next to me.
"Logan, you're freezing cold."
"Yeah, Joel needs it more than I do though." I put my arms together as I continued to shiver.
"Here." Ellie sat in front of me but facing to the side so she could lean her body on mine.
"You're warm" I put my arms around her, trying to stop myself from shivering.
She then looked up at me.
"What is it?" I asked her.
She didn't say anything but planted a kiss on my cheek, making my face warm.
"Warmer now?" She giggled.
"Yeah, thanks El"
We both drifted to sleep as we got really tired.

When we woke up, I heard Ellie's stomach rumbling.
"You hungry?"
"Little bit, yeah."
"Come on, let's go get some food."
I grabbed my jacket back from Joel as Ellie found a blanket.
"This should keep him warm."

A bunny came out of a hiding spot, but Ellie's arrow impaled its neck.
"Wow, you're really good at that."
I looked around and saw a deer.
"Ellie." I whispered.
"You think we can get him?" I pointed at the deer.
"We can try."

After a couple arrows and a bit of running around, the dear ran into what looks like to be an abandoned wood mill or some sort of factory.
When we got down the slope, the deer was dead.
We heard a twig snap behind us and we turned, pointing our weapons at where we heard.

Out came an older looking man, about Joel's height, bearded. And a younger looking guy.

"Who are you?" I asked aggressively.
"Now now. No need to get violent. My names David, this here's James."
"What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We come from a group and we were just hunting. We saw that buck and thought it could be food."
"It's a large group. Women and children, all hungry."
"Yea we do too. Women and children, all hungry too." Ellie chimed in.
"Well, can we trade you anything for that buck of yours?"
"Medicine! You got any antibiotics?"
"Yeah, back at our camp, you're more than welcome to foll-"
"We aren't following you anywhere. Tell buddy-boy over there to get it and if you try anything, i'll put one right in between your eyes."
"James, go get 2 bottle of penicillin and a syringe." The man told the other.
"Give me your rifle." I ordered as David complied.
"Try anything and she puts one-"
"Right in between my eyes."
"Thats right"
There was a silence.
"He's gonna be a while, do you mind if we find some shelter?"
"Sure, bring him with us."
I lightly tapped on the deer with my foot.

After David, Ellie and I found shelter, we started a fire.

"What's your names?"
"What's it to you?" I spoke aggressive to him.
"Just trying to make some conversation."
We heard clicking, the sound of infected coming from outside.
David shot a clicker that came in threw the window with a revolver.
"You had another gun?" Ellie said as the infected grew closer.
"Sorry." We then started killing the infected.

After around 15 minutes of killing infected, David went up to a window.
"You hear that?"
"No infected."
Ellie got kind of close to him.
I didn't trust him one bit, but Ellie was naive.

We got back to our fire.

"Hey, we make a good team." David started to speak up.
"No, we got lucky." Ellie responded.
"No, see i don't believe in luck, i believe that everything happens for a reason." I had my hand on my holster.
"See, this winter has been especially hard, with less and less food. And our men have been getting killed, by what they call a crazy old man, traveling with a little boy and a little girl."
I pointed my gun at him.
"Stay the fuck back." I got aggressive.
"Now now. It's alright. James, put the gun down." The man that was with David before had his gun drawn on me.
"But David-"
"James! Put it down. Hand them the medicine"
He threw a small bag at Ellie's feet, and she grabbed it.
I grabbed Ellie's arm and ran out of there back to the horse.

We got back to the garage, as Ellie gave Joel the medicine. I was on edge so I kept looking at the windows but there was no one.
"Logan?" Ellie called to me as she sat on the ground.
"Yeah whats up?" I was pacing back and fourth.
"Come here." She looked cold.
I sat down next to her and she did the same thing as before, sitting in front of me and laying on me.
"You're freezing." I put my hand on her cheek.
I took off my jacket and put it on top of her.
We drifted asleep once more.

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