Extra Chapter: Left Behind (Part Two)

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We got to running from a spotlight on a military truck and ended up inside a building.

"Oh man... kinda close huh?" I was trying to catch my breath and looked at Ellie.
"You're kinda fast there, I'm impressed." I said to her, smiling.
"Thanks." She was also trying to catch her breath.
"Well come on, up we go." I turned around and ran up a flight of stairs behind me. Ellie began talking to me.
"So how did you find them?"
"The fireflies?"
"Remember that firefly that you bit and stole his gun." I chuckled at the memory.
"Yeah I remember him."
"That's Trevor. I saw him walking down the street so naturally, I tailed him. I follow him into this alley and all these fireflies ambush me. They took me back to their hideout. To Marlene." We ducked under a wooden board in a doorway leading us to an old apartment.
"Were you scared?" Ellie kept the conversation going.
"More or less. I thought this time she would actually shoot me. But instead she just says, 'What took you so long?' She was expecting me."
"And she just... made you a firefly?"
"Something like that. The whole trying to murder me thing was a test. She wanted to know I was committed."
We kept walking through the apartment, jumping onto an old cabinet like thing to get to the floor above us.
"Who do you hang out with these days?" I asked, trying to see if she might've replaced me or something.
"I don't know. No one really."
"What about Tino and the rest of the guys? How are they doing?"
"Logan, those are your friends."
"But you talk to them."
"Yeah I guess." She sighed.
As we walked through another apartment, Ellie stopped at a firefly logo that was on the wall.
"Have you 'Found The Light, yet?'"
"Very funny."
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend  your people. So, what? You buy into this whole thing now?"
"All I know is that I'm not a soldier." We walked away from the spray painted logo.

As we kept walking there was an
announcement on the PA.

"Attention. We are pleased to report that the zone has been free of cordyceps infection for thirty days-"
"Yeah fucking right. People are getting infected all the time, they just do a good job of hiding it." I cut off the PA, as it was just a big lie.
"You've run into more infected?" Ellie asked from behind me.
"As part of my initiation they actually made me kill this... you know what, lets talk about something else." That topic made me uneasy.

We were getting close to where i was leading Ellie. It was raining and we got onto the buildings roof.

"Oh, shit. Hide." I raised my voice, hiding behind a small wall as a little as military trucks drove down the street.
"Oh, man. Sorry, I'm a bit paranoid lately."
Ellie gave me a look of concern but I turned around and kept going. It was silent for a second but Ellie broke it.
"Hey, so... Maybe I should join the fireflies."
"Ellie, that was the first thing I asked Marlene. She wants you safe at that stupid school. I'm not even supposed to come see you."
"Why does she care?"
"She's worried I can get you into trouble."
"Whatever, I can get into trouble just fine on my own." She sounded a bit disappointed.
"Oh, I know." I chuckled.
We jumped into the mall through a hole in the roof.
"Hey, remember the first time I brought you here?"
"Logan, what are we doing here?"
"I have a surprise for you." I tried to sound a little uplifting as Ellie sounded tired, and disappointed.
"What? Is it a din-"
"Dinosaur? Maybe." I finished her sentence as I knew what she was going to ask.
"I'll be your friend again if it's a dinosaur." She sounded a bit more happy.
"You're just gonna have to wait and see." I smiled.
We walked down the escalator, getting further into the mall.
"I can't believe Winston's gone." I said as we saw his old Fedra tent.
"You heard?"
"Yeah. Do you know how it happened?"
"They said he just fell off of his horse. Heart attack or something."
"Man... well how many people die of natural causes in this world?"
"None that I know of."
"So, lets see what he left." I said, walking into his tent.
Ellie picked up an old picture of him.
"What? This was Winston? Man, guy used to be handsome." She laughed and I got a little jealous, but I kept looking in his crate and found some liquor.
"Bingo. Want some?" I held out the bottle.
"Sure." I handed her the bottle.
"Watch out thats not beer."
"Please." She twisted the cap off and took a big sip and immediately spit it out. I laughed as she was hunched over, coughing.
"Oh my god. Here, it's disgusting." She handed it back.
"Told ya. Cheers, Winston." I said out loud, taking a sip out of the bottle for him, coughing but not spitting it out.
"Damn, thats strong." I put the bottle back.
"Come on." I walked out of the tent.
Ellie walked over to his horses saddle.
"What happened to Princess?" It was the name of his horse.
"I assume after Winston died they took her. Poor horse, she's probably out there terrified."
"Fuck." I said quietly.
There was a big pile of rubble, so I kneeled down at a pole.
"Ellie, help me lift this."
We began to lift the pole, which lifted the rubble.
"I hate crawling through here, it always feels like we're gonna get crushed." Ellie said as we were able to lift some of the rubble, but it immediately crashed back down to the floor, blocking our way in.
"You know what? How about we find another way." I said, looking around.
"Yeah, sounds good."
I walked around for a second but Ellie called me over to a door and an open hole above it.
"Hey, Logan. I'll boost you over, see if you can unlock it from the inside." I walked over to her.
"Good shit." I put my foot on her hands and jumped up into the hole, climbing over.
"Well? You see anything?" Ellie called over but I stayed quiet.
"Logan?" I still hadn't said anything but I slightly opened the door for her.
She walked into what was a store filled with weird costumes and masks, so I popped out from the side scaring her with a clown mask.
"AHH!" She got so scared so I began to laugh.
"You dick, that's two times today!" She pushed me lightly but had a smile.
"How the hell did we never find this place?" I said, containing my laughter.
"Come on, I got the perfect mask for you." I nudged her arm and walked to the shelves.
"Logan.." She sighed.
"Perfect!" I showed her a wolf man mask.
"What is that like a wolf man or something?"
"Put it on."
"So stupid." She sighed but put on the mask.
"You look beautiful. Now roar!" I said playfully.
"Roar." She sighed.
"Really? That was pathetic."
She began shaking her head and arms.
"Roaaaarrr!!" She lifted her arms.
"Hell yeah! Let's go see what else there is!" I laughed at her roar and walked away.

Ellie walked towards a wall so I quickly changed masks and hid in a standing coffin behind her.

"Mwah ah ah ah ah... wow." I chuckled at myself.
"That was stupid."
"Yeah." She chuckled at me.

We kept walking around, doing stupid impressions with the masks, and laughing at each other. Ellie found a skull that tells fortunes when you ask it something and she kept asking a bunch of random questions, but then I walked up and asked it one too.

"Will Ellie ever be as funny as me?" I began to shake the skull.
"Oh please, I'm like ten times funnier than you!"
"It said: 'Not in this existence' Sorry, wasn't me it was the skeleton."
"Well the skeleton can suck my dick."
"As if you had one."
We both began to laugh as we walked out of the store.

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