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"Hi Boun, I'm Sammy the head manager of Studio Wabi Sabi" Sammy offered her hand as a greet.

"Hi." Boun replied her with the same energy.

"How's today reading?" She start off carefully as he doesn't want Boun to reject the offer reluctantly.

"It was great. Everyone seems to get along well." They both nodded agreeing with what Boun just said. All the cast really get along well and faster then they thought it will be. Sammy still hesitating on how he want to come up with the contract offer. She don't know why she's behaving this way too because the previous 2 actors was easy to recruit. She took a deep breath....

"you want to offer me a contract?" asked Boun first. Sammy dropped the file that contains the contract upon hearing the question.

"h-how did you know?" Sammy ask him back.

"why are you that shocked?, you suddenly approach me after the reading which means it's not about the script or series and you also brought a file, what else would it be?" he chuckled. Of course he would know, that's how the other companies used to approach him before.

As if she come back to her sense, Sammy pick up the file and hand it to Boun.

"So, you want to take a look?"

But Boun replied her with a smile. "I'm sorry but I'm not interested" he then bowed as respect and left.

'see, I knew it'



His excited scream is loud enough to make all people on the hallway to look at him. Realizing he's attracting the attention, he covered his mouth and walk to the end of the hallway.

"Oh my god Prem, Congratulations!!! Omg I'm so proud of you!" replied the person on the line.

"This is all thanks to you Earth, if you didn't saw the ads and told me, I wouldn't be here right now" said Prem sincerely, he really meant it. If it wasn't because of Earth he would still and his house still dreaming.

"oh come on, I don't deserve all the credit. If you don't have the talent, I would've sent you back this morning hahaha" and just like Earth said, Prem is born to be an actor.

"This is why I love you sooooooo much!! I'll treat you dinner tonight!" offered Prem, he would like to have another celebration.

"aww, I would love to get free food too but what to do tonight P'Kao is taking me out"

"betrayer" Prem pouted. So this is how the feelings sharing your bestfriend with their boyfriend.

"maybe we can have a drink after I came back?" suggest Earth, he knows he friend is excited and want to share it with him so he tried his best to not let him down.

"sounds good. see you tonight then. bye!" Late night talk is better so he didn't complain.



"Did they offer you a contract?" ask Dao after handing Boun his coffee. No response from Boun as his eyes are glued on the script book.

"Weird. If I were them, I would offer a contract to all the cast. They don't really have that much artist under them"

"What are you mumbling about?" interrupt Boun after he saw his manager is talking to herself with serious look.

"oh, nothing. I asked you did they offered to sign a contract with them?" explained Dao.

"they did" replied Boun. "THEY DID?! and what did you said?" asked Dao, she hope Boun didn't say what she think he would.

"I rejected"


"Dao, I told you- "

"told me what? everyone knew what actually happened, that's why there's still companies want to sign you. they know your talent, they know your potential."

"it's been 3 years Boun, and you said it yourself that you've moved on?!"

silent. there's no other sound other than Dao's heavy breath trying to calm herself. She's tired of Boun's lame excuse. She tried to pull Boun out of his bubble but he always try to make the bubble thicker. The incident was 3 years ago, the truth have been revealed, people have moved on, nobody really remember or care about what have happened but then there's Boun who's still living in the past.


"Lala lalala lalala" New entered his office swinging his hand right to left with a lil cute dance and a wide smile on his face. All his staff are looking at him. He really look extra happy today which is unusual to them.

"Good morning P'New, did you won a lottery today?" teased one of his staff.

"Morning Maya, lottery? nahh this is better than lottery" He chuckled on his own words. He then entered his room leaving all his staff dumbfounded.

knock! knock!

"Come in"

"P'New, I have something to tell you" her voice become shaky, doesn't know how to inform her boss about the news.

"Oh Sammy, have a seat" As soon as Sammy took the seat in front of him, he hands her a file. The usual contract file.

"Open it"

"HAH?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!" Sammy who is known for her loud voice and now are using her loudest pitch. New might be deaf anytime soon so he better be prepare.

"ohho I might be deaf even before telling you what happen"

"so- sorry P" She slowly covers her mouth.

"How did it happened? I was about to tell you that he rejected the offer yesterday but you showed me this today. what actually happened? did you threat him?"

"calm down, actually I also don't know how. He called me this morning when I'm getting my coffee saying that he's interested in the contract."

"and then ?"

"what else should I do? I grab the contract and asked him to come to the cafe to sign the contract there. In case he might changed his mind, so I better make the move."

Nodding with an impressive expression on her face. She's deeply impressed with his fast move. She also feels proud that the actor that a lot of company fought for signed with their company. Their company is new and still learning how to stand, so by having a named actor would help them a lot.


new update ! sorry if this feels long/slow. it's because i'm trying to write this with a proper storyline and plot. thank you for reading!!

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