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[6:40 AM] - Boun's apartment


the loud ringing sound filling the small apartment room making the man who still wrapped with the thick blanket twitch. He pull out his hand and hit the stop button on his alarm clock. He unwrapped himself from the blanket and kicked the remaining blanket off from his leg. He sat down and start stretching his muscles and reached for his phone.

'manager : i'll pick you up at 7:30 sharp!'

he reads the text his manager left him on line. why his manager said like that? because he rarely on time. when his manager asked him to be ready on 7, he would come down at 7:15 the earliest. and why he did that? because he know he will arrived at the shooting site 30 minutes early which is a waste of time for him to just wait 30 minutes there doing nothing.

He toss his phone on his back and get up from his bed. He grab his towel and went for shower. After a 20 minutes of shower, he make himself a toast with scramble eggs and a cup of coffee for breakfast. While waiting the coffee machine brewing his coffee, he put on a light makeup and do his hair. He might be a known actor which can afford a team to take care of his outfits, makeup and hairstyle but he don't really need them because he can do that by himself.

ring! ring!

'incoming call : manager'

he pick up the call.

manager : Boun, it's 7:25 now. where are you?

Boun : wait, i'm brewing my coffee.

manager : ugh, i told you that we can buy coffee while on the way

Boun : no, my coffee machine brew it better

manager : whatever, just come down as soon as you can.

Boun : okay nanny


he ends the call.


[6:30 AM] - Prem's apartment

"oh you woke up?" asked Earth, Prem's housemate a.k.a his manager of the day.

Today is Prem's first ever acting audition attempt. He always have a passion for acting but because he live in the countryside, he doesn't have the opportunity to get in the industry. After a lot of thinking and struggles, he made it to Bangkok for the audition. 

A few months ago, Earth who studied at Bangkok University found an audition ads on his uni's blog. It was a new series from a small company called Studio Wabi Sabi. They also want to recruit new actors and actress through the audition so it's a big opportunities for him. That's how Prem's journey started.

He have been practicing the audition's script for a month now until he memorised all roles script. From the main lead until the support role. He aims for the support role since he have no experience but got recruited as the studio's actor is his main target.

"uhm. i woke up before the the alarm" replied Prem. He sips on his coffee before continuing his practice.

"you can stop practicing now, go get ready. remember that first impression is important." Earth gave Prem a piece of advice before he went to the shower.


[7:15 AM] - Boun's apartment

After 15 minutes in the car, a tall figure in yellow hoodie and yellow bucket hat nearing the car.

"finally, Good Morning Mr. Boun!" greet his manager, sarcasticly.

"Good morning nanny Dao!". sometimes Boun can be sarcastic too. 

"Can we move now?"

"Go Go!" said Boun, he might always make his manager annoyed with his not so punctual behavior but their relationship is more like siblings than co-workers. He pulls out his phone and took several selfie to update his fans.


Boun is a rising actor in the acting industry but he is well-known for bl series. He also well-known because he doesn't belong to any company. Started as an extra during his second year on university because of his passion and after few years he manage to catch the netizens eyes with his outstanding acting and look but not long after that he faced his controversial phase. He lost few jobs but everything have been cleared out few months after. Since then, he declined every offer from any company.

"This is a new production right?" asked Boun as he reading through the audition script.

"Yup, i heard they are recruiting actors for their labels too" added Dao. Trying to persuade Boun into signing a contract with the company. He wants the best for Boun. They are close friends since high school and Dao volunteered to be Boun manager because she's too lazy to find a job but now Boun deserve a better promotion for him to expand his talent and work and Dao can't do that. Since Boun have been declining a lot of label's offers, they rarely got an offer from anywhere and Boun rarely attend any shows. People are starting to forget him.




"what if they like you..... and maybe want you to sign a contract with them?" asked Dao carefully

"Dao..." Boun put down his script and turned to look at Dao. "We have discuss about this right?" added Boun

"yeah i know... but you know that you haven't receive as much job offer as before right?" replied Dao

"i'll make sure i got today's role okay?"

"that's not what i meant Boun.."

silent. Boun knows exactly what Dao means and Dao also know exactly why Boun acting like this.


"Prem faster !! you gonna be late for the registration!" Yelled Earth from the toilet entrance. They have few mins left before the audition registration to close and yet they still doesn't know which room the audition is. Prem have been using the toilet for almost an hour now and Earth couldn't stop panicking if they won't made it there on time.

"yes yes i'm coming!!" 

As soon as Prem finished washing his hands Earth pulled him and drag him all the way to the audition room. Luckily they made it there on time.


"listen everyone, we will take a 30 minutes break. We have prepared a lunch box outside. You can take one each and please come back here after 30 minutes and we will continue the audition. thank you!"

All the participants went outside the room and grabbing their lunch box. Prem took the last 2 lunch box, one for him and one for Earth but someone grab his hands before he can walk away from the table,

"Excuse me, isn't the lunch box is one for each person?" 


Hi! i wrote this on twitter before but the story doesn't turned out the way I want so i'm re-writing it here. follow me on twitter for more sns/oneshot au.

if you like it pls vote and leave comment for my motivation to write!

thank you and enjoy ! 

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