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"we're taking a lunch break, please come back here at 3pm sharp. thank you" 

it's the second day of script reading and the third day Prem survived alone in this city without Earth. He took out his lunch box that he prepared this morning. Since he's used to wake up early, he decided to prepare his own lunch box and go through his script before he went to work. The lunch is nothing special, it's white rice, boiled chicken breast and salad. He also packed fruits with him since he's trying to loose some weight.

Yesterday he ate at a corner in the studio but today the staff are building something on that corner forcing him to find somewhere else to eat. Everyone else already make friends and went to lunch together except him. He doesn't really know how to blend in since he's an introvert.

"You bought lunch box too?" 

he turned to the voice. oh this guy.

"hm. you too?" he asks the guy back and the guy nod.

"want to eat together?" he hesitate for awhile before agreeing to eat with him.

They sat on the bench opposite the cafe since the cafe already packed with people. They both put their lunch box on the table without saying anything.

"uhm- I'm Prem"

"cool, you can call me- "

"Boun. right?"

"how did you know?"

"during script reading yesterday? we all introduced ourselves"

"ahh yes... sorry i didn't remember your name"

"no it's okay. hehe"

without realizing, Boun let out a sigh in relief. He relieved that Prem doesn't said that he knew him because of his last series which also mean he know about his previous case.

Prem is always love acting but it's only been 2 years since he start thinking to take his passion seriously which means he is completely not aware of Boun's past scandal.

"why didn't you eat with the others?" asks Boun, picking up his first bite.

"how about you?" Prem ask him back. why didn't he eat with the others because he look so friendly with everyone since yesterday.

"i don't like crowded place. you?"

"i'm shy" Prem rubs the back of his head. saying that he's shy is also quite embarrassing.

"shy that you bring lunch box?"

"no- i don't know how to blend in with them"


he nodded. Boun burst out his laugh. It's been awhile since he heard someone said that. 

Prem frowned upon seeing Boun sudden laugh. what so funny?

"why did you laugh?" talking about innocent? that's him

Boun shakes his head instead of saying the reason he burst out. 

They both finished their lunch peacefully without any other questions. Boun decided to get up first to get himself a coffee.

"I'm going to get coffee, what do you want?" 

"no it's fine"

"my treat"

"really? then i want caramel macchiato"

"oh you like that too?"

"you too?"

"yess! that's cute. brb"


The weather is extra hot than usual today, he can already imagine how hot the bench will be eventho there's a tree beside it it seems like even the tree couldn't help to hide the bright sun.

But there's no where else to sit plus he already late because of the long queue at the cafe. He put his lunch box in the table and slowly touch the bench checking the temperature scared it might burn his butt.

"Prem! I found another place to eat, not hot for sure. want to come?" 

Prem jumps a little by the sudden invitation from Boun but he quickly nod accepting the invitation. He really can't stand hot weather.

Boun bring him to the back of the building, not too far from the cafe, a small bench fit for three person and most importantly under a roof. 

Today Prem woke up a bit late so he only manage to bring rice, sausages and an apple. Seeing Prem's lunch box Boun stood up and left the bench. Prem is not questioning, he just enjoying his lunch box because he's so hungry plus he only have 15 minutes left before the next class start.

Right after he finished his last bite, Boun arrived with another lunch box.

"here, looks like your lunch box is not enough" Boun handed him the lunch box.

"No it's okay i'm full. and there's your picture on the box i think you should have it" refused Prem.

Boun chuckled.

"It's from my fans, there's 10 of these and i already have 2. you can have this one" He pushed the lunch box back to Prem

"When did you eat? i didn't see you eat anything since i start eating until now" Few mins after they arrived at the bench, Boun leave and come back bringing the lunch box. when did he eat ?

"When you get your coffee. It's a long queue right?" Prem spent at least 30 minutes for his coffee and Boun managed to finish 2 lunch box in the mean time.

"ohh... oh you said it's from your fans? wow you already have a fanclub? that's cool!" Prem's face lit up from the excitement. He didn't know that fans would send food and also he didn't know that the guy in front of him is that famous!.

"hahaha I only have a few, there's nothing to brag for" Boun kinda regret mentioning his fans. Not because he doesn't appreciate them but he doesn't want Prem to know more about his past.

"ayyyy it's better to have few than none. They even sent you food. You should learn to be grateful" Prem took the lunch box and start munching.

Boun expect Prem to ask more questions like how he got fans, have he act before, or what series he act on but there's none. Prem just focus on eating and let that topic dies like that. He let out a sigh in relief.


"Good morning everyone, we have a news for you guys. there will be a slight changes in the plot and storyline."

"Mark Siwat are withdrawing from this project because of few circumstances which forcing us to fix few things. Since we will start shooting in 2 days, it's too late for us to find someone else to replace him so we decided to just remove his character but don't worry only few of your script will be affected."

All cast nodded. Dan is just a minor role same as Nat. They both are the bestfriends of Kin. So only the two characters will be affected. Before everyone went back to their practice, the staff pick up the mic again,

"and with that, we decided to make Kin and Nat as the second couple" 




Hi, here's an update! i'm so sorry for taking ages to update. writerblocks game strong ! the idea just won't come huhu i also just start watching Chuang 2021 (please vote for Nine and Patrick on wetv!) which makes me more distracted from writing. thank you for looking forward ! 

don't forget to vote for my motivation ! <3

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