getting close

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"something's missing?" Boun has been observing Prem who seems like he lose something, he kept searching through their room for quite some time now. 

It's their first day on Phuket for shooting. They filmed few scenes as soon as they arrived there and they now finally reached their homestay. They share the middle sized bedroom with two single-sized bed. 

Prem look at Boun's curious face, "uhm- I couldn't find my pillow" he replied.

"Pillow? there's a pillow on your bed." Boun pointed to the well-placed pillow on Prem's bed.

"it's my fav plushie. I can't sleep without it" added Prem.

"ahhh I got it. hmm... do you remember the last time you have it?" asked Boun. He stood up from his bed and try to help Prem to search for it.

"I think I bring it in here as soon as we arrived here and didn't bring it out."

They both try to search around the room for another 10 minutes. The room is not that big but because of their messy clothes and other things make it quite hard. It's just their first day but it's already quite messy. A typical men room.

"Are you sure you didn't bring it to the evening shoot?" Boun asked Prem again for confirmation. Prem shook his head. He is sure that he didn't bring it to the set.

"Maybe you drop it in the crew's car?" Boun make a guess. They both settled down on their own bed. Gave up on searching and start brainstorming on any possible place Prem might dropped his fav pillow.

"It's already late, let's find it tomorrow" suggested Boun. They have an early shoot tomorrow and they won't get enough rest if they didn't sleep anytime soon. He threw himself on the bed and pulled his blanket ready to sleep. 

Prem stood up from his bed and headed to the bathroom. He washed his face and do his night skincare routine. Thanks to Earth he start taking care of his skin more. 

By the time he finished his night routine, he saw Boun already in his dreamland. He switched off the light and put himself on the bed. He closed his eyes trying to sleep.

10 minutes passed....... 20 minutes passed..... turned right.... turned left.... nothing's working. Prem eyes are still wide opened. 

This is actually one of his biggest concern. He couldn't sleep without hugging something. He doesn't know since when he got this habit but as far as he remember he can't sleep well and have trouble sleeping without hugging something and that is why he always bring his 'special' pillow anywhere. 

He tried counting the sheep, took a deep breathe and any other method and it just doesn't work. He took the pillow on his head and hug it instead of use it for his head, it doesn't work too because it feels too uncomfortable.

"ohhoi, why is it so hard to sleep?" He took his phone to look at the time, it's almost 2am. The shooting starts at 8am tomorrow, he start getting anxious.

There are 2 things that are compulsory for Prem. First, must have something to hug in order to sleep and another one is to get at least 6 hours at night in order for him to be fully awake. if he sleep less than that he would have puffy cheek, tired eyes and his brain won't function properly.

"are you okay" Prem turned to the voice. He can't see the owner of the voice because the room are so dark but there's no other than Boun in the room.

"ah yes I'm okay,  sorry did I wake you up?" 

"No no, I just want to go to the toilet. you're not sleeping yet?"

"uhm yeah, just a bit headache"

Boun turned on the lights. He went to Prem to check him up since he said he got headache.

"you want meds? I have one for headache" offered Boun. But Prem reject it fast.

"no no no, I will just sleep" without any more question, Boun nodded and headed to the toilet.

Prem pulled up his blanket and tried to sleep again. Hearing the toilet's door opening, he shuts his eye tight, acting like he's already asleep. Boun realised Prem's stressed brows but decided to just ignore it and thought it might because of the lights. He turned off the lights and headed to his bed.

The rustling sound from the blanket keep going for another 5 mins and this time Boun are disturbed by it. He wake up from his bed and went to Prem's.

"Prem, are you okay?" he pulled Prem slowly facing him.

"uhm.. actually I can't sleep" Prem decided to just be honest because he's also suffering.

"why? is it too cold? want me to turned off the AC?"

"no, I need my plushie to sleep"

"your plushie?, the one you've been searching just now?"

"yes... I need it to sleep"

"does it have to be that plushie?" 

Prem didn't answer Boun. He's thinking what should he answer because it's doesn't have to be that pillow, he just need to hug something.

"You can take my pillow if you want. I don't really care"

Prem are touched with Boun's consideration but he thinks that it's not appropriate for him to be selfish to let Boun sleep without pillow. While he's in his deep thought, Boun handed him his pillow and went back to his bed.

"wait! I can't take your pillow. How can you sleep without it?"

"nothing to worry, I can even sleep on the floor if needed" Boun laugh, he is that kind of person, he can sleep literally at anywhere.

"it's already late, just take it and sleep." added Boun.

No more objection from Prem but not long before Boun can fully fall asleep, he felt a lil tap on his shoulder. He turned,

"uhm.. I still think I shouldn't take your pillow, " he slowly lift up Boun's head and put the pillow below.

"instead of giving your pillow.... I know this sound kinda weird but how about you let me hug you instead? I mean, it's a win-win situation. you can have you pillow and I can have something to hug too" 

............ they are staring each other for a few seconds before Boun respond,

"I don't know how is that a win-win situation but sounds great, come here" Boun lifted up his blanket letting Prem to slip in.


warning of slow update since new semester is starting soon ! thank you for patiently waiting and reading ! don't forget to vote for my motivation <3

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