Chapter Thirty Seven

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Enjoy 6K of what was arguably one of my favourite chapters to write !! Important note though, I really wanted to dedicate an entire chapter to a show, seeing how much performing is a huge part of what we love the boys for. This is however, the only chapter I go into full detail of a show in this way, from here on there are only snippets and a few little 'surprise' moments ;)


His blood his thrumming through his veins. The sound of thousands of people buzzing in an arena can be felt across the entire venue and as the five of them pile together backstage he can't help the swirl of emotions inside of him.

"Break a leg out there popstar." He hears Sarah say as she stops beside him and pulls him into a one armed hug. There's dozens of people crowded around them all. Their families came an hour or so ago, not spending all too much time with them backstage before they were shuffled out to take their seats in the arena. Instead makeup crews, stage hands, sound engineers, managers and god knows who else filters around them all. Having Sarah seem so calm and at ease calms him.

"Wouldn't put it past one of us to be honest."

Sarah's responding smack to his arm is playful and he turns his head down to smile at her, seeing the glint in her eyes which can only be caused in situations where you're about to be confronted by thousands upon thousands of people screaming lyrics back at you and dancing to the beat of the music.

"This is gonna be the time of our lives." For that, he doesn't an argument.

"I was expecting you to wear some sort of Elton ensemble I'm rather disappointed H!" He looks up to find Liam walking towards him with a wide grin on his face. He supposes it's far from his most out there outfit, in fact he'd purposefully chosen to wear something more subdued for this first show. Dressed in black Gucci high rise flare silk and wool pants and a button-down black silk shirt with a silver pattern of swirls decorating one shoulder and down half one side of his back, it really isn't a dramatic fit he suspects most people are expecting from him tonight.

It's Louis however that he can barely stop himself from ogling at. His hair had been styled into a quiff, so similar to how he'd worn it years ago that for a second he thought that that Louis was in the room with them. Dressed in a style that perfectly mixes how the man he used to be with who he is now, a blend of skin tight black jeans and a white and red polo shirt unbuttoned enough to hint at the It Is What It Is tattoo across his chest.

It's a test of his resilience that he hasn't already found a deserted room and shoved Louis inside of it. Refusing to leave till they'd both likely have needed to go back to hair and makeup.

He feels like a teenager still for the thoughts which tumble through his mind as he blatantly stares at Louis across the room from him where he's talking with one of the crew members and a young stylist flits around him with final touches.

"I'll have you know Liam that Elton is a fashion and music icon and I feel honoured to have my style compared to his taste." He answers, remembering himself and turning to face Liam.

"Least you're less at risk of tripping over yourself in this rather than some of the other pants I've seen you in!" Sarah pipes up from beside him.


"She's not wrong, though I've seen him trip plenty of times back in the days of skinny jeans so we shouldn't have to high expectations of young Harold." Liam fires back and Harry watches and Sarah and Liam exchange knowing looks.

"What are we bullying Harold for today?" Niall says from behind him and the next moment an arm is draped casually around his shoulders.

"We're exchanging clumsy Harry stories."

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