Chapter Forty Seven

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For this first time in as many years, London has since lost its feeling of light being a void concept. Home felt empty without Louis here, but there was still light lingering away from the shadows. Home feels like a strong word now for the house that surrounds him. He'd always thought of home as a person, hadn't known who right he was with that statement till he'd found Louis. But it truly was.

The contract between Eleanor and his Louis is over, ended four weeks ago whilst they'd been playing shows through California. Harry had sweet talked Jeff into letting all five of them have the full day before the evening show off, and had consequently spent its entirety wrapped up in bed with Louis. Harry had spent just three days away in Italy, shooting a promo ad for Gucci but apart from that he'd spent most of his time since being back in Europe hauled up here.

Apart from the two of them knowing it was over, nothing else much had changed. They'd still yet to decide whether coming out sooner rather than later was a solid game plan, and ignoring the matter had been the route both of them were apparently content to settle on for the time being. The problem they faced other than them deciding when was the right time was having to have their teams seed all the information before anything could explicitly be declared. He and Louis were both all to aware of the change of direction both of their public profiles would have to undertake in order for their announcement not to be received in the wrong way. As if they were using it as a publicity move, or worse that they were queer coding.

Harry didn't care for any of it. Didn't want the responsibility of having to own up to something that should never have to cause a fuss in the first place. It was his life, his choices, but that wasn't how his life worked. Hadn't been his life choices for a long while. Coming out, coming out with Louis right with him should be on their own terms. Consequences be dammed. But that simply wasn't the life either of them lived. So the waiting, uncertain game continued.

With everything still so up in the air regarding the end of tour and the events which would occur at its conclusion it seemed like the matter would just have to wait. They were both happy, could spend all of their spare time together and for now after all those years of being apart it was more than enough for both of them. Harry knew the time would come where they'd both feel ready to tell the world. To be open about loving one another, but that was still a way off. For now he would continue to cherish having Louis wake up beside him each morning and know there would be no more goodbyes.

The weather is overcast, despite summer being in full bloom. He'd been hauled up home alone since early this morning. Louis having left to spend the day with Phoebe and Daisy who'd driven down to London last night. He'd been invited along but knew Louis had been missing his siblings, instead opting to let them share the day together. He had Louis to himself most days, he was far from selfish enough to not spare him for a single one.

Instead, Harry busy's himself in the studio, notebook piled with scribbled lyrics including the song still lying unfinished he'd started with Mitch those few weeks back. Guitar in hand, seated precariously on the piano seat facing out towards the overcast day he sighs, glancing down between the notebook and fingers sprawled across the strings.

Distantly he hears the front door sound, the tell-tale sounds of footsteps passing over the wooden section of the floor. His eyes are trained on the door as Niall steps into view, choosing to lean against the open door frame.

"Accomplishing much?" Niall starts with, cocking his brow as his gaze is directed at the silent guitar perched in his lap.

"Oh, loads!" He replies sarcastically.

"Great, grab your coat and let's go!"

"It may be over cast but it's still summer out there."

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