Chapter Forty Five

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New York greets them on a particularly sunny day. Summer having come in full swing now that late June had arrived. This drawn-out tour had done them all wonders, instead of cramming in too many shows in such close proximity they'd had time to rest between dates and continent changes. Time to reform as a group and become seamless in one another's lives again.

He wanders down an unfamiliar street between Zayn and Niall, the three of them disguised as best as they know how, only drawing the eye of a few passers by.

"You think that would work though for real?" Zayn questions as they enter Central Park. Perhaps it's not the wisest decision to walk without security into such a popular tourist and locals destination.

"Nah they'd clash with each other too much, the melodies are way off." Niall counters.

"What about swing? Imagine a swing arrangement in the midst of an R&B heavy track, that would be sick. Good way to get the crowd on their feet."

"For one of my songs I recorded back in January a music video in sort of that classic style, you could make it work." He answers.

"Seriously? Which song?" Zayn queries him.

"Treat People, I wanted something different and it actually went alright. It's fun that's for sure, something I reckon fans would get behind."

"It's not a bad idea at least to experiment with then."

"Thinking about songs though do we know which one's we've decided to perform for our next pop up show? That's what we're doing out here isn't it?"

"I mean I guess, but we're out here as part of the challenge really."

"Yeah but we've been wandering around for a half hour now and we haven't been spotted properly yet, might as well bring it up." Niall says as they turn around a bend.

"What about Through the Dark? Been a while since we've done that one." He offers.

"Louis sung it a few times last year but I'd be keen for it. Reckon Clouds for nostalgia's sake?"

"Oh!" Niall agrees turning towards Zayn, "Fuck yes!"

They continue heading west through the park, trying to point out differences from the last time each of them had been here with the sounds of the city echoing around them.

"I guess it depends on which song gets chosen by hopefully the person who finds us soon enough."

"Do we even know we're in the right place?" Zayn asks.

"Not a clue, was a bit presumptuous to think the three of us could successfully navigate Central Park." Harry says with a sly smile.

"You'd have thought our managers at the very least would have rebutted this idea." Niall quips.

"Louis can be rather persuasive when he feels like it."

"I like this challenge," He states as they round a bend out into a slightly more open space, "Though we should have thought this part out a little more."

"Couldn't sleep last night, imagine if we get mobbed? Did anyone think of that when we decided on this?" Zayn questions.

"We'll blame it on Louis, it's fine." Niall answers with a grin.

"Greedy bastard isn't even out here either! So much for it being his idea." Mumbles Zayn who shoves his hands into his pockets.

"Liam isn't either."

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