Chapter Twelve

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He's sat with Mitch the morning before the first official photoshoot with the five of them. The sun has finally come out and they're sat outside of his home, a guitar sprawled across his lap and Mitch strumming quietly at his side. He doesn't think either of them have said a word in the past fifteen minutes but their friendship has always had this kind of dynamic.

His and Louis' appearance at the Brit Awards was still raging across the internet. Countless articles had come out which he'd made a conscious effort tot only read through three of them before dismissing the rest. He'd also only once given in to the temptation of logging into his secret Twitter account he'd created back in 2011 to see the proper reaction to their appearance. It was positive by a large majority, having come across almost no bad comments and even the ones he saw were fairly harmless. Mostly, the news was focused on two things; the possible One Direction reunion (which was very true but still six days away from being announced) and the fact that 'Larry Stylinson' was very much happening. At least, according to the fans.

It had been entirely overwhelming to wake up on the morning of the 19th to see seven hashtags trending worldwide on Twitter, all 'Larry' related, the number one being #LarryIsReal. It wasn't just the hashtags either, it was the fact that there were 47.8 million references to the hashtag. In twelve hours.

Harry had had several phone calls with Jeff about it, their group chat was having a field day about it, Liam had claimed that he didn't even know that Louis was going with him and felt cheated. Gemma and his mum had been a god send, he'd spent several hours on the phone to the two of them and their words had perhaps been the only thing that was keeping him mentally stable at the moment. But at least it had brought in a whole lot of interest to the band and Louis' upcoming album, which, in theory, was the whole purpose of him asking Louis to join him.

The thing which had truly sparked off the media, and his, attention however, was the now viral video of him signing the picture of the two teenage boys. Well, that and the words he'd written. He hadn't even thought to look at the titles of Louis' songs in the album, thought he'd learn them when the album came out. Sure, he'd read over the ones Louis had put forward as tour songs, but he now knew each of them by heart.

Only the brave.

Of all the fucking things he could have written. He'd thought it fitting in the moment, two young gay teenagers standing amidst a crowd of mostly screaming girls, their pride in themselves on full display. But he doesn't regret it in the slightest, is in fact glad that he'd written those words.

Of course the fans now simply presumed he'd heard the album and deliberately written the words, causing the name sake of one of the seven worldwide hashtags; #OTBLarry.

He hadn't seen Louis again. He'd been busy with radio shows and interviews before his album release and couldn't make it to the drinks the other four of them had had at Niall's two nights ago.

"You know," He distantly heard Mitch's voice, "You could just text him."


Mitch didn't reply, his eyes burning holes into Harry.

            "What would I even say? Sorry I brought you along and now the whole world thinks we're together? Again."

"He agreed to come with you, knowing full well the reaction you'd both get. He doesn't need an apology, he needs to know you aren't cooped up and freaking out about it." Mitch says flatly.

            "But I am freaking out!" He says halfway between a pout and a frustrated sigh.

"I know you two aren't together anymore, but shit H, from everything I know you were best mates, as well as partners, you know him. You're gonna tell me he isn't feeling just as flustered by all this?"

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