Chapter Twenty Eight

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"This is fucking sick." Niall says the moment the five of them walk through the front door into the bright blue, yellow and green painted house. Majority of the houses in the village were of vibrant colour and there's was no exception. Three stories of bright, open spaces which looked down over the estuary greeted them as they lugged their separate bags into the open living room and kitchen.

"I'm taking top floor!" Niall calls out already heading for the stairs to their left.

"You do realise that means you'll be doing the most amount of exercise to get there then." Liam reminds him and his steps falter.

"Let alone the fact that it's the furthest to go when you're blindly stumbling around drunk and then one of us will have to step in and help you get all the way up there..." Zayn drawls as he takes a seat on the bench stool in the kitchen.

"Or we leave him on the floor." Louis pipes up, dumping his single bag down beside one of the sofas.

"Or that." Zayn agrees sending Louis a wink.

"Alright fine, Li your top floor..." Niall says turning around before Liam cuts him off with a shriek.


"You're the least likely to end up in that state so you've just volunteered yourself for that position, Zayn and Harry you take the next floor down and Louis and I can take the bottom two rooms."

"I feel like you based that solely off our alcohol tolerances." Zayn retorts.

"Exactly!" Niall says with a wide, Irish grin and trapezes off back towards the stairs, luggage in tow.

Harry shakes his head at the banter already woven between them, some things truly never change. Instead of facing the bedroom debacle he turns towards the kitchen. Eyeing the rustic modern design and takes to opening several of the cupboards to figure out where things are. He finds all the appliances and utensils they'll need for their stay but notes their isn't even milk to go in the tea bags which count for about the only form of sustenance provided in the entire kitchen. He'll have to go out to the local supermarket later on, not thinking for a moment they'll get away with trying to order takeaways every night for a week straight but perhaps he's underestimating Niall's charm.

Louis has disappeared off after Niall, most likely trying to persuade his way into getting the best bedroom on the ground floor, Liam heading off to take his bags up to the third floor while Zayn scrolls through his phone opposite him.

"Better or worse? The chat in the car." Zayn offers after a moment of silence from Harry and a glance up to see his confused expression.

How did he even answer that?

It had been exactly what he'd needed, he suspected for Louis too. After spending the past few weeks torn between his emotions he finally felt like he'd let it go. Seeing Louis like that had broken into a part of him he'd thought was long since marked untouchable. It seemed as though some emotions were too strong to suppress, even after years of trying.

He felt ready to move on and get to know Louis as he was today. They'd perhaps never have what they once did, never mean what they had to each other but he was prepared for that now. Part of what had held him back before he know realised was that he was scared of letting go of the memories he'd hoarded in his mind for years, drawing on them to remind him of what he'd once been graced with for five wonderful, turbulent years.

Now though, with his head cleared and mind a little wiser, he realised that had been foolish. Louis was a part of his history, his present and certainly would be his future, and he knew he wanted him anyway Louis would let him. As a small part of his life or big. As long as he was someone Louis trusted.

"Better." He finally answered. "Definitely better, thank you."

"I'm just glad you two seem somewhat back on the same page. This week will be good for all of us H."

"Yeah, I think it will be."

"So!" Niall called out interrupting them, Harry breaking out of his thoughts. "What's up first lads? The pool, wander through door, food? Definitely like the food idea."

"I'm keen to go for a wander down at the estuary to be honest." Louis says following in behind Niall, the glint in his eye suggesting he won the bedroom debate.

"Mate, it's high tide!" Liam said also emerging from the stairway.

"And?" Louis asked turning with a pout towards Liam.

"You don't think we should wait till we won't get bloody swept away into the sea?"

"Where's your sense of adventure?"

"My sense of adventure Louis," Liam states dryly, "Does not extend to drowning."

"Wimp." Louis mutters his breathe and Harry turns away to hide his smile.

"How about we just go for a walk through town and if we spot anything that interests us we look into doing whatever." Zayn finally offers.

"Sounds good to me, as long as it includes grabbing some food because I'm starving."

"You don't think we should be a little cautious about the five of us all wandering round a strange town together?" Liam says even as he reaches for a pair of sunglasses and his wallet.

"This place is mainly for older, or retiring couples." Zayn says as he too gets up from the sofa and goes for his things. "Sure there's some families around but I don't think we have that high a chance of getting recognized.

"I reckon we need alibies, you know like fake identities!" Niall says as they file out of the house, Harry locking it behind him and pocketing the key.

"What?" Louis exclaims.

"Five young lads on holiday together, if we get asked what we do we should have some elaborate backstory to go along with it!" Niall says getting excited and he knows they aren't escaping this one.

"No fucking...." Liam tries but Niall cuts him off.

"Alright, Liam you're gonna be a lawyer and..."

"What! Why do I get the boring occupation!"

"Because you fit that role so well, and besides I'm making the decisions here so shut it."

They wander down a small pathway leading down towards the main shopping and communal area. The estuary spread out to their left and a collection of brightly decorated houses surrounding them.

It's unique and hidden from the rest of the world and he thinks they couldn't have chosen to come to a better place right before their worlds are once more turned upside down.

"Zayn, you're a painter because there is simply no other choice." Zayn just nods, accepting his fate. "Louis you're a teacher."

Louis goes to cut him off, eyes widening but Niall waves him off and continues.

"Harry you're an aspiring designer."

"Where does that choice stem from I wonder." Liam says with a knowing look at the open, button down shirt tucked into the dark dress pants, his signature rings covering his fingers and he thinks not for the first time that he should have changed into typical clothing to avoid such scrutiny.

"You're not exactly trying to fit in here mate." Zayn says shoving his shoulder slightly from where he walks beside him.

"Fine, designer it is." He gives in with a sigh.

"And you're what Niall?" Louis questions from where he walking up front beside Liam.

"A golfer, obviously."


"Alright, but is this really all necessary?" Zayn questions for the final time as they walk down the last remaining steps near the green in the town center.

"Absolutely, and don't any of you forget it!" Niall says and steers them all off towards an antiques looking shop.

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