Chapter Seven

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It was Niall who convinced them. It was late in the evening and the five of them were huddled together in Niall's living room close to where Harry lived. They'd been here for little over an hour, ordering an abundance of pizza from a nearby takeout shop and had gorged themselves in front of the tv. Louis, Niall and Liam sat squished together on the biggest sofa, Zayn and Harry having opted for the comfort of one of the single reclining chairs having learnt from years prior not to get involved amongst the three of them when it came to sofa rights. Of course, in the past it had usually been Louis fighting the others for the best place on the sofa only to pull Harry straight into his lap and wrap his arms securely around him. But times have changed.

They'd spent an hour going through various security measures, tour agreements and NDA's before leaving around 1:30 in the afternoon. Harry had gone straight home and spent an hour sitting under hot water in his shower, his thoughts barely together. He'd tried to write to fill in some time after that but promptly given up and face timed Gemma instead. Telling her all about his and Louis' little meeting before she'd eventually had to go.

He'd dragged himself over to Niall's around eight and had hardly moved from his spot on the small chair. Some golf tournament was currently playing on the tv at Niall's insistence and he looked over to find Liam and Niall squabbling with one another about how they thought was the superior player of the tournament. Golf had never been particularly interesting to Harry, nor did he remotely pretend to know who they were both arguing over so Harry had zoned out mostly and found himself messaging Mitch.

Louis was seated at the other end of the sofa from where he was positioned in the room, talking quietly with Zayn who sat bundled up in an identical chair to the one Harry found himself in.

He excused himself to the bathroom, nodding in reply to Niall's shouted direction about where it was. When he wandered back through into the kitchen a few minutes later he found Zayn pouring himself another drink.

            "You two are being surprisingly civil about this whole thing you know." The dark haired man drawled towards him as Harry stopped on the other side of the counter.

"It's not like things ended badly between us, it's just a bit awkward at the moment."

            "You'll find your rhythm with each other soon enough."

"Yeah well, it's gonna be hard after our past isn't it?" Harry commented, his own chest falling as he realised the emotional struggle the next nine months would be.

            "Don't think Louis left his house for a straight month after you two called it quits, its at least good that you're both here but it would be nice to see you two not trying to avoid each other like the plague! Did this morning not go well?" Zayn asked as he brought the glass up to his lips.

"You mean after he broke up with me? And yea, this morning went fine. I wasn't really expecting to fall back into an easy friendship with the man I once fully believed I'd spend the rest of my life with."

            "Ok, that's fair. I'm sorry if it's gonna come off these next few months that me and the other boys are trying to force you two together but H, you were his best friend, and the love of his life. It's not like your pasts are going to magically resolve themselves of their hurts but it's hard for him too man, it's gonna take some time."

"He left me Zayn, I don't think people just up and leave the one they call love of their life." He replied, eyes trained on a slight scratch in the kitchen bench's' surface as too not give in to the burning in his eyes.

            "You two went through impossible circumstances together. You were pushed so thoroughly apart it's a testament to the kind of love you have for one another that you lasted as long as you did. He still cares for you deeply Harry, he does. Things are just different now." Zayn said with a sign and Harry finally lifted his gaze from the bench.

"Love we had for one another."

            "Fine, whatever." Zayn said as he moved around the kitchen, "Just try not to be to hard on yourself, or Louis, we're all here for you both. We always have been, even if circumstances have indeed changed."

Zayn laid his hand on his shoulder for a moment, a long moment passing by before he tore his eyes away from Harry's and finally walked back out into the living room. The moment he was gone a long breathe drew out of Harry's mouth.

From the living room thesound of Louis' laugh filtered in through to the kitchen. This was going to bea test of Harry's mental strength if he was going to get through this tourwithout his heart once more falling to pieces.


Sorry for the much shorter, fill kind of chapter but still an important moment!

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