How They Met

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Madelaine was walking out of her apartment in Vancouver on her way to have a day out. In about a few weeks, she was going to go do a screen testing for the show Riverdale. She was casting for the role of Betty Cooper. She felt kind of comfortable with this, only because her red hair. As a red head, playing blonde isn't such a... good idea. She would have to die her hair, which is something she wouldn't do unless the role was "necessary" for her to do so.

For the last weeks, she would be going over her lines. Day to night, taking only hour breaks, if that. She was forced by her friend, Jen, to just explore and stop pressuring herself with the role. Madelaine didn't know exactly what she wanted to do. She knew she wanted to act, but she also wanted to live life.

She knew what she needed to bring to the table and as long as she had her confidence, that was all she could need to perfect her part and maintain the role of Betty Cooper.

Vanessa, on the other hand, was visiting her mom and dad for the weekend. She hadn't seen him for while. It's been about 4 months, even though she does have a life, she still makes time for her family. Family comes first in Vanessa's eyes.

She was staying at a hotel for the week and she was meeting up with her friend, Drew. They haven't seen each other because Vanessa had to go to New Zealand to shoot for The Shanara Chronicles. Drew understood and he let her go follow her dreams. Over the years, Vanessa has had some big deal. From My Babysitter's A Vampire, to Finding Carter, and now The Shanara Chronicles.

Vanessa was going to leave in about 15 minutes to go meet up with Drew. She knew that the drive was lengthy, so she left out a bit earlier than the intended. She was walking to her car when she bumped into someone.

Both the girls looked up and did a small smile, but it was more of a sympathetic smile.

"I'm so sorry," both the girls said as they started giggling. Madelaine started studying Vanessa. Her black straight hair cascading down to the middle of her back, her small petite figure, her beautiful brown eyes and a contagious smile.

Vanessa was studying Madelaine as well. Her red hair wavily cascading down her back, going slightly lower than the middle of her back. Her glasses which complimented her beautiful brown eyes. Her tall, slim, but adored figure. How her lips were perfectly....

Vanessa, why are you thinking this? You gotta stop this.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Madelaine's soft voice speaking.

"You're Vanessa Morgan, right?" Madelaine asked as Vanessa nodded

"That's me. The Vanessa Morgan. Sarah in My Babysitter's A Vampire, Destiny in Pimp, Bird in Alice & Frankie. There's so much more that I don't even really want to get into." Vanessa said sighing. She looked at her phone and saw the time. She needed to leave soon.

"I'm so sorry to cut this short, but I have to go meet someone. Talk later?" Vanessa told the redhead who nodded in response

"Have a good day " Madelaine said as Vanessa gave a smile that did nothing but make her heart smile. They said their goodbyes and went about their separate ways. Madelaine turned her phone on and swiped her script away from her recents. She decided to take this day off for herself. Even though she was told to do that, but still decided to study over lines anyways.

She went to the mall and grabbed a few things. By the time she was done, it was 8 o'clock and she felt quite relieved. She walked to her apartment and settle eveything down. Her friend wasn't there yet, so she just out everything away and tried to choose between if she should cook or if she should order out. She decided to order out and ordered from Veggie Grill.

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