Is It Over?

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Vanessa moved slightly, when she felt pleasure throughout her body. Her hips bucked up and she started to rock her hips a little. She started to moan softly and Madelaine started to wake up as well. Madelaine woke up to a moaning Vanessa. She looked down to see her fingers in Vanessa, as she grinded on them. Her face turned scarlet red, or probably as red as her hair.

Vanessa sat up, which was probably the not so smart thing to do. Madelaine covered her face, embarrassed by what was happening. Vanessa put her hands on Madelaine's hips and rolled her hips.

"Madelaine..." Vanessa moaned out. Madelaine eyes shot open, her mouth gaped.

"Mmmm... fuck!" Vanessa moaned out. Madelaine couldn't say she wasn't turned on by this.

"Fuck! I'm close." Vanessa said as she picked up her pace.

"Daddy!" Vanessa moaned out as she came. She rolled her hips until she came from her high. Madelaine was stunned by the sight. Vanessa took her off of Madelaine and laid beside her, trying to revive her breath.

The room was absolutely silent. The only thing you could hear were the two women's breath. Madelaine turned towards Vanessa, her doing the same.

"Umm... I- uh." Madelaine said, not sure on what exactly to say.

"I'm sorry." Vanessa said as she removed herself from the bed. She was pretty embarrassed about what happened.

"Vanessa, wait." Madelaine said as she grabbed her robe and followed her out the room.

"No, Madeleine. Do you know how embarrassing that is?" Vanessa asked as Madelaine walked closer to her.

"Were you embarrassed last night-- because it seemed to me that you enjoyed it." Madelaine said as Vanessa's cheeks became warm.

"Maybe not then, but now? Yes." Vanessa said as Madelaine felt a cloud of sadness around her.

"So you regret that it happened? Both yesterday and today?" Madelaine asked, not looked at Vanessa. Vanessa sighed and sat next to Madelaine.

"No. Do I wish it would've happen while sober? Yes, but I would never regret it." Vanessa said as Madelaine stayed quiet.

"I think I should go." Madelaine said as she tried to get up, but Vanessa say her back down.

"Madeleine, look at me." Vanessa said as Madelaine looked at her.

"Why are you trying to leave?" Vanesa asked as Madelaine looked down.

"I don't know." Madelaine said with a shrug.

"Yes you do." Vanessa said as Madelaine's eyes started to well with tears.

"I feel like what happened will hurt us. I don't want us to be broken up, awkward, or anything because of this. I want us to be bestfriends, connected, and maybe if things go further, lovers. I know this may sound random, and I may be rambling, but that's how I feel." Madelaine said as tears would occasionally fall.

"Look at me when I say this to you. I don't want our relationship, friendship, or anything else to be ruined because of yesterday and today, either. We'll work up to the lovers thing, but until then, bestfriends until the end?" Vanessa divulged as she looked into Madelaine's brown eyes.

"Bestfriends until the end." Madelaine said before she hugged Vanessa. They smiled into and out of the hug.

"I'm a big baby." Madelaine said as she wiped her face.

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