When She Had To Leave

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The next day was now here and Vanesa realized she had to leave Vancouver in about 2 days. She hasn't been able to tell Madelaine because the topic has been getting interrupted by a whole bunch of things.

Vanessa woke up to a weight on her stomach. She looked down and saw Madelaine's head on her torso, her hands behind her back. She sighed contently and laid her head back down, starting to massage her scalp. Madelaine groaned a little and shifted a bit.

She looked up and was met with a smiling Vanessa. She smiled and laid back on her stomach.

"Good morning," Madelaine said, sleepily.

"Good morning. You sleep good?" Vanessa responded as Madelaine nodded.

"Yeah." Madelaine said as Vanessa hummed in response.

"Um, I have to tell you something," Vanessa said. Madelaine sat up, a cold sensation hitting her stomach once the warm body left hers.

"What's up?" Madelaine asked as Vanessa sat up herself.

"I have to leave in a few days. 2 days, to be exact." Vanessa informed as Madelaine nodded.

"That's all?" Madelaine asked as Vanessa nodded. Madelaine went back to her recent position and her phone went off. She grabbed it to see it was from Travis Mills.

They met each other when they were at the screentesting. He was playing for the role of Jughead, whilst Madelaine was going for the roles of Betty and Cheryl. They hit it off and exchanged Instagram's before departing.

Hey, Mads

Hey, Travis

Whenever you're free, you want to come to LA and roam the city?

That sounds good to me

Just tell me when you'll be arriving and I'll meet you at the airport.


As Madelaine was texting, Vanessa was looking at the conversation. She was wondering who he was, then looked up his Instagram page. She saw he was a rapper, had a lot of tattoos, and even though he was a little ragged (in her point of view), he was pretty pure and genuine.

"You like him, don't you?" Vanessa asked as Madelaine sat up.

"What do you mean?" Madelaine asked as Vanessa raised a brow.

"I know you like him." Vanessa said as Madelaine shook her head.

"It's fine if you do." Vanessa said as Madelaine looked into her eyes. Vanessa smirked and shook her head.

"Go get 'em," Vanessa said as Madelaine hugged her.

"This is going to be weird." Madelaine said as Vanessa gave her a look.

"Oh, because we're bestfriends, had sex, and is still close as ever?" Vanessa asked, as Madelaine nodded.

"It's just... it's going to be weird around him, knowing, personally, that we had sex. It's just... weird," Madelaine tried to explain. Vanessa nodded in understanding.

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