Chapter 191

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Chapter One Hundred and Ninety One

"I fear for the lives of the people outside," Echo suddenly said, speaking my innermost thoughts; the cloying scent of anxiety, unease, and fear filled the room the moment the words left his lips, but I forced myself to keep breathing, tasting the tang, refusing to succumb to it.

"Keep calm and try to avoid thinking too hard," Jun quietly growled at him. "We don't know what's actually happening right now. The storm outside could possibly a natural one, and I don't think the tornado hit the campus, either."

"No, Jun, I know exactly what's happening," Echo said in a hushed, deathly calm tone. "My former master is responsible for the storm. There's no mistaking it. I fear for everyone's lives."

My arms involuntarily tightened around his middle at the thought of him being in danger.

"We have no proof of that yet, Hyung-nim!" Jun argued, eyes flaring yellow. "If the strange storm that hit us earlier really is your former master's doing, why hasn't he made a move? I don't think it's him, and if it is him, something else is going on. I don't think we're actually under attack."

"Jun... Huang has been sending me dream warnings," I uneasily broke in, giving him a very discomforted look. "Fourteen people literally disappeared from this campus in the span of only a few days. In the time that Pop and I were gone, fourteen people, man, including Nikki. We've already been attacked once before, and we've known for a very long time that another vampire attack is possibly going to happen since there have been warning signs everywhere for months."

"Even so, I don't think it's a good idea to jump to conclusions," the Korean werewolf said with a severe frown, though the glow in his almond eyes did dim a little. "We're doing what we can in the situation that's presented itself to us. Don't think ahead too much, just stay in the moment."

"Jun, they did come at you guys once already," Renee delicately noted, folding her slender hands across her lap; her scent and her eyes, however, told me just how scared she was. "There's also nothing really stopping them from trying again."

"But there's no real evidence yet that we're under attack right now," Jun sighed, "If we were, I'm sure I'd be hearing something happening out there, but there's nothing."

"Vampires cannot go out during the day," Meo suddenly rumbled, finally opening his eyes to stare at them. Jun tensed and Renee seemed to falter under his steely gaze. "It wasn't dark when the sky turned strange, nor was it dark when we made our way down here."


"Will you all please just listen to me? Hold your damn tongues!" Echo loudly blurted; I twitched, claws digging into him reflexively since his tone was unexpectedly angry. "Look at the facts for a moment! Every phone and computer we have is broken. We have no way of communicating with anybody, and my former master's power is likely to blame for the way our appliances broke."

"Why are you so sure about it?" Jun demanded, digging his claws into his jeans. "Couldn't the weather have simply added pressure to the glass or something?"

"No," Echo said flatly, giving him a deadpan stare. "I am certain."


"Because, whenever he... punished me..." he seemed to choke on his words, "all glass in the vicinity would crack the same way as the glass on our phones and computers did, but only when he was close to climaxing. Sometimes, those same glass objects would explode."

"Then, he has some sort of control over... glass?" Erik asked, sounding confused.

"No, it isn't glass that he controls, Dr. Haines, it's atoms," Echo sighed, sagging against me. "High ranked Mistwalkers, when using their abilities spatially, cannot stop the distortion of molecules or the frenzying of atoms inside certain substances that fall within range of their power. Shifting the weather, for example, would involve manipulating the atoms of all the moisture particles in the sky, and to do so would require more power than any vampire in my former coven is capable of aside from perhaps five vampires at the very top of the hierarchy. That is why I fully believe my former master is responsible for the storm outside."

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