Chapter 15

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Chapter Fifteen

Falling asleep was impossible.

Not that I was surprised, considering I'd napped literally all day, experienced seeing a fucking meteor blow out all our windows, and gotten new info on the hurricane looming out at sea, which as it turned out had swerved back on course and was headed right at us. It was scheduled to hit land on--surprise--the eleventh.

Aka, the day of the full fucking moon.

Aka, the worst time possible.

Aka, three days away.

Everybody was nervous about that once the info came to light, not just me, but there were bigger problems to worry about at present since the meteor we'd seen had indeed made the news--but to my shock, it had been global news.

It had caused a freaky amount of damage in Wilmington and even put a few people in the hospital. People had even been sending in videos of it to the news outlets, and of course, Erika had sent her own in--after smartly cropping out the parts showing Kip and I on the lawn, thank fucking God--but not before posting the video to every single social media page she had.

The problem was that the meteor had literally followed a path almost directly above Sebastian's property and people believed it had landed in one of his private nature preserves. We were basically to be on the lookout for reporters, police, or anyone trespassing on the property.

The only real highlight of the night, aside from the cosmic light show, had been when Erika had asked me to lick a long cut she'd gotten on her arm when the window had exploded right in front of her. Werewolf saliva had healing properties, as weird as that might sound. I'd done it with zero complaints, and after rinsing the taste of her blood out of my mouth, we'd headed to the theater room with Kip, Richard, and Kyle to watch the news so we could see if her video clip was being played.

I'd had no doubt it would be, eventually. After all, most of the footage being shown on the news had been taken directly from building security feeds, highway cameras, and dash cams, and most of those hadn't gotten a direct shot of it, just snippets of it falling from the edges.

And none of them had caught the prior shower.

Erika, however--being the lucky bitch that she is--had caught everything on her phone in high definition. I'd watched it not long after Cassidy had taken Diana to Dr. Einstein's health clinic to get her ear looked at, and admittedly, the footage was spectacular and horrifying.

You could see the brilliant streaks of shooting stars all across the sky through the panes of the window she'd been spying on us through, and I'd heard her gasp in awe, but when the fireball had come down she'd let out a shrill squeal and had uttered, "Oh my god! What is that?!"

She'd leaned out the window and turned the camera up, following its path directly overhead with shaking breath, and had even caught its disintegration. She'd stared at the dark sky once the light had vanished for a bit, but the moment me and Kip started talking she'd pulled inside.

Just as she'd shut the window, the shockwave from the meteor had hit, causing the glass in front of her to shatter. She'd screamed and even dropped her phone as she'd stumbled back, showing her wildly red hair as well as her face as she'd run for the door, visibly bleeding.

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