Chapter 161

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Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-One

So, I'm probably not the brightest bulb when it comes to making important decisions with a level head given my recent history, but this time I was sure my choice to avoid freaking out before getting answers was a good one.

That's why I was currently sitting in the bathroom on the toilet with the mysterious creature in front of me. I'd been talking to it for the last ten minutes with very few results. It still looked like a wolf, but it refused to look at me.

"What are you?" I quietly asked for what felt like the hundredth time. "You have green eyes and the power to shapeshift, and from what I can tell, you're definitely male. If I had to guess... I'd say you were a pooka, but there's a lot going on right now. Please, can you just tell me?"

The wolf huffed through its nose and thumped its tail twice, staring at the wall.

I frowned. 

This was pretty much how it had gone since we'd slipped inside, and I was getting frustrated.

I wasn't going to let my temper get the better of me though.

"Will you please talk to me?" I sighed, sliding off the toilet and sinking down to the floor right in front of the creature, despite the resulting growl and immediate baring of fangs. "Please?"

The wolf snarled and snapped its teeth.

I ignored the growling and gently set my clawed hand atop its head, but although the growls grew louder, the creature made no move to bite me. Then again, the threatening sounds didn't stop even when I gently rubbed its head and caressed its ears so I was at a loss for what to do. I slumped and scooted myself against the wall, drawing my legs up in defeat.

"You brought my elk here," I quietly began; the wolf finally stopped growling, so I continued with, "I left him and a small herd of deer around Wake Forest, which is a three-hour drive from here. You showed up not long after I received a bunch of freaky pictures of myself in the mail with an ominous note, and as of right now, my boyfriend and I are in the crosshairs of an extremely dangerous vampire. There's a lot I don't understand about this, okay? First and foremost being why you came to me with Goober, and secondly why you confirmed that I was in danger. I'm confused about you, and to be honest... I'm scared of you. I'm scared of what you might have done to get inside the barrier. I'm scared that you might not even be a faery. I'm scared you're a vampire in disguise."

The creature's head instantly turned towards me, ears drawing back.

It was more of a reaction than I'd gotten so far.

Keep being honest and make yourself vulnerable to create a breakthrough, I silently instructed myself, but aloud I continued, "the only reason I brought you in here to talk to you one on one instead of bringing you to everyone else is the fact that you warned me about being in danger. It also looked, from my point of view, like you were keeping yourself between me and something in the woods. I just... I have too many threats around me right now. I'd really appreciate it if you could show me, with absolute certainty, that you aren't one of them, yeah?"

I let my head thump back against the wall, horns making a clocking sound, and just stared at the ceiling. The warm yellow light in the glass bowl overhead offered no real comfort, especially since I knew for a fact that everyone was waiting on me to get back. I'd already put the groceries in the kitchen and gotten the fresh stuff in the refrigerator, and everyone was still outside.

I wanted to be out there.

Part of me even wondered why I'd brought whatever this thing was into the house with me. Was it really any of my business why this creature had led Goober straight to us? Sure, it was bizarre, especially since I had no clue how it had even known where we were going, but--

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