Chapter 169

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Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Nine

Fire... the sky was on fire.

My eyes opened and I saw fire, nothing but fire, enveloping everything in green. 

Only, strangely, the one responsible was nowhere to be seen.

I sat up and stared off into the dead horizon, the stillness of the dead ocean and the dead desert behind me broadcasting a stark contrast to the strange green flames licking the universe apart. I saw a flickering silhouette standing out on the water, facing away from me, long dark hair resting against a bare, muscular back riddled with scars and corded sinew I could barely see.

The fire was too bright. 

I squinted as the male silhouette collapsed, falling to his knees.

A hand lifted, fingers coming down, until only one was pointing at the sky.

I looked up.

Written in green flames was something strange hovering in the air. 

"His scales of Gold... 
     and eyes, bejeweled... 
are Pyrite, they're False, 
           don't be Fooled."

Confusion swept through me when the silhouette's arms snapped to the sides and with a sudden rumble, the world flickered and--

My eyes snapped open wide as I jerked awake, flinching sharply into the cushion beneath my head. I blearily blinked up at the strange ceiling for a second as my body was jostled from side to side by something that rattled, and I quickly looked around, groggy and disoriented. I was baffled and confused for a long, stupid moment at the sight of Sebastian snoring next to me.

Then that moment passed and my memories of getting on the plane returned.

"His scales of gold... and eyes, bejeweled... are pyrite, they're false... don't be fooled," I sleepily mumbled, pulling my phone out and turning it on so I could open up my memo pad. I was still only half awake, but hey, I could try to figure out the riddles once my brain was on. I texted the weird warning from Huang into the file and saved it, then closed the app and looked at the time. Almost 1:00 P.M. in England.

I frowned to myself as wheels slowly started grinding in my brain.

According to the clock, I'd been out for roughly seven hours, which meant we'd been on the plane for about nine, give or take. Bash and I had spent the first two gaming together and grinding missions with some typical banter here and there, but then we'd decided to try napping just like he'd planned for us to do. Still, I was a little surprised by how long I'd been out.

I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake up... and then my stomach growled.


I winced, instantly reminded that I hadn't been eating nearly enough to stay healthy, and after looking around I saw a call button on the wall. Against my better judgement, I leaned forward and pressed it, then sat back and yawned. I smacked my lips and swallowed, but just as I was getting settled in to wait, the pretty black stewardess with the cornrows opened the door.

She plastered a very bland customer service smile on her face when she saw me.

"How can I help you, sir?" she asked primly. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

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