Chapter 91

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Chapter Ninety-One

You know how sometimes people get woken up by their significant other in really dreamy ways? Like, your boyfriend or girlfriend wakes you up with kisses, or cuddles, or maybe even sexual stuff, because yeah, that's a thing some adults get to enjoy in the mornings? Wink wink.

Sounds awesome, right? 

Well, sadly, my version of "morning" didn't have any of that. Instead of a loving kiss or cuddling or, yes, fondling, I was jerked out of a dead sleep by sticky, foreign fingers that smelled distinctly of baby and drool being rudely shoved up my nose.

"Agh! Hey!" I blurted, flailing blindly as a barrage of giggles filled my ears. "Stop it!"

"Unka Fuzzy!" Rosie happily squealed, and once I extricated the digits prodding my nasal cavity with scratchy nails, I blinked blearily at the offending child. The two year old was sitting on my stomach, clad only in her diaper and a baby pink t-shirt. She bounced and giggled but I was just confused about how she'd gotten into my room and, more importantly, in my bed.

The mattress was four feet off the ground.

"Hi, Rosie," I yawned, sleepily turning to look at the holographic clock; it was Tuesday, 4:16 P.M., the eighteenth of July. I groaned internally and pinched the svelte tips of my ears to wake myself up since tonight was the full moon and I only had four hours left until sunset.

"Unka Fuzzy!" the baby sitting on me happily shrieked, bouncing on my gut. "Wakey!"

I opened my mouth to tell her yes, I was awake, and I was gonna ask her how she'd gotten into my room and, more confusingly, onto the bed, but a stab of pain went through my chest when she leaned forward and put her hands down to try and stand up on top of me. 

"Oh," I moaned, instantly snagging her around the waist and lifting her off of me. "Ow."

She squealed and laughed, kicking at the air.

I almost didn't notice my door opening since my hearing and vision had gone grey with pain.

"Hey!" I wheezed, trying not to pass out. "Could you grab her? Please?"

Thankfully the baby's weight was soon taken off my arms and chest and I sighed in relief, relaxing as my vision returned to normal and Woody's bright green eyes came into view. He was already bouncing her with one arm, and with the other he started gesturing in simplistic ASL.

'Sorry about that,' he apologized, giving me a sheepish smile. 'She's been missing you and wanted to come see how you were doing. I told her she had to be very quiet because you needed sleep, but Tiffany called me downstairs to help with something so I left her here for a bit.'

"Oh," I droned, nodding; my hands moved in ASL when I added, "that explains how she got onto the bed. I was confused about how she did it since she's so little."

He grinned and shook with a silent laugh, glancing down at his little girl when she stuck her fingers in his fiery red beard and started playing with it. His whole face melted like a stick of butter and he cuddled her close to him, caressing the top of her head with his cheek.

I admit, my own heart melted a little bit.

Seeing him with his kids kinda makes me want to have kids of my own someday, I thought, instinctively turning to my right so I could share a look with Echo. To my shock, he wasn't actually in bed with me and I frantically looked around, wondering how I'd missed that.

All of his medical machinery was powered off.

"Where's my boyfriend?" I asked, startled. "Is he downstairs?"

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