Chapter 26

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Chapter Twenty Six

Flashing lights. Hands shaking me, jostling, crushing my neck as screams filed in through my deafening ears. I saw my fingers, small and limp and curled. Tried to move them. Couldn't. 

Blood bubbled out of my mouth, icy hot.

My vision was going grey.

"What have you done?!" Raphael's voice roared, panicked, and I saw his face in front of my own as I was scooped from the bloodstained floor. "He's your son! Your fucking son! What the hell have you done to him?!"

"I... I-I..." Jak, my father, could only whisper from somewhere far away. "I didn't mean to..."

"HE'S ONLY A FUCKING BABY!" Raphael cried, cradling me and clutching a particular spot on my neck. "Oh, my God... you may have killed him, Jak. I'm gonna rush him over to Sarah's and see if she can get him into surgery, but the damage might be too extreme to save him."


"You heard me!" Raph yelped. "What happened to you back then wasn't your fault, we all know that, but this? You've just become worse in my eyes than the fuckers who hurt you! He's a baby, Jak! He's innocent! It wasn't his fault! And you know what? You don't fucking deserve him!"

"How could you say that?" Jak cried. "I never wanted this! Any of it!"

"Fuck you, then! I'll take him from you! I'll take him and I'll leave this pack for good and you can go back to running everything on your own, god dammit!!" Raphael snarled, baring fangs with eyes of blinding white, eyes that scared me even past my agonized haze. "If he even survives this, that is! You very well might have just killed your own son, you stupid sonuvabitch!"

The world blurred with a jerk.


My father's cry to wait was lost on the wind and the sight of the blinding sun...


I jerked, waking up with a snap as warm hands came to rest on my back. 

A horrible creaking sound and dull roar met my ears as consciousness descended upon me. I dragged my heavy eyes open and stared hazily through gummy vision as soft grey carpet came into focus. I took a deep breath, momentarily confused and somewhat panicked since I had no idea where I was, but upon smelling things I realized I was in Sebastian's house.

I blinked, then turned my head, numb and covered in sweat, cheek squished against the plush floor, staring at the ornate wood-carved wall with its muted browns and sculpted designs. 

How did I get here? I stupidly wondered, blinking sleepily at the wall as more and more of my body came back to me. I began to feel the rough dig of the carpet against my belly, and the haphazard position I'd been lying in... it was an odd angle, like I'd been dropped and left face-down on the floor without care. My gaze shifted to my hand.

My big, brown, human hand with all five fingers and my sharp, creepy, long black nail-claws resting right in front of my nose. I squinted in further confusion, breathing hard, trying to flip my brain back on even as I realized that I was no longer a wolf. 

Did that mean the night of the full moon had ended? 

I let my head thump down on the carpet with a groan, relieved and also terrified as I wondered what had happened. How long had I been out? And where were the... oh... oh, oh, OH! My eyes widened and I gasped, horrified as everything came flooding back to me. Running out of the house to go help Kat and her brother, discovering the twins in the back of the van, and then--

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