Chapter 15

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"But what are you doing?!", I shout and take a few steps back.

"But I thought-", Leon began.

"Well, you thought wrong! I've got a date with Alex now, go and do your stuff with your girlfriend", I say annoyed.

"You're just jealous!"

"What?! Me?! Jealous?! No way! You're just jealous because I'm on a date with Alex!"

"Don't try to change the topic!"

"I have to go now, Alex is waiting for me!"

"Yeah, sure, he doesn't deserve you anyway..."

"Well, he at least really loves me", I mention and go away. I look for Alex, he hasn't told me where to go exactly and what's waiting for me.

I see a huge meadow with a picknic basket on a blanket, just where is Alex? There even are flowers, they're beautiful, but I can't find Alex anywhere. I even call him and he doesn't take the call. What if anything has happened to him? Or what can't be true! He must have seen me and Leon!

I go to where Leon and I were before and he's still there. I want to shout at him but I first take a look. He's sitting on the bench with his guitar in his hand, he seems to be composing a song. Before he notices me staring I run over to him and shout:

"Look what you've done! Alex is angry on me and that's all your fault!", I say and throw the violet flowers which were Alex's present for me at Leon. I leave and he's just standing there with an open mouth.

I go to Alex's house and hope to find him there. I go around his house and see him in his harden chatting to a girl, her hair is short and brown and- WHAT, IT'S GERY! My eyes widen and I don't know what to do. Before saying something I put out my phone and take a photo. They seem to get along quite well. What if there's going on anything between them? No way, she has a boyfriend. But maybe Alex really likes her...but why would he go out with me then? I don't get anything.

I go to the studio and look for the girls there. I find them singing in the music room and join them.

Todo es posible
Busco en mi destino un sueño mágico
Porque yo aprendí a deicr adiós oh oh
No voy a rendirme
Sigo mi camino siendo lo que soy
Porque yo aprendí a decir adiós
Hace falta valor para decir adiós

"Hey, girls!", I begin.

"Hey, Vilu", they answer.

"What's up?", I ask.

"We were just singing, not a lot happened", Cami explains.

"What's the matter, Vilu, something is wrong with you...", Francesca says.

" know me way too well!", I mention.

The girls look at me curiously and I begin to tell them what happened.

"Well...Leon tried to kiss me, Alex saw that, Alex likes Gery, Gery maybe him too and Leon doesn't know about it"

"That's quite a lot", Cami says.

"Wait, aren't you over Leon?", Fran asks.

"No, I'm not. I love him", I say.

"What?!", someone says and I turn around. It's...

Who do you think it is?

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