Chapter 11

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Two months are over now and I find myself in the park. The park where I sang with Leon. Well, not really sang. I guess it was an imagination. I called the song podemos

A few things actually have changed.

That woman that I can't stand, Esmeralda, moved in. What so ever.

Angie moved out. That actually still hurts, during the time I really got to know her very good, she is so nice! I don't know why she moved out but we still see each other often and just talk a lot.

Diego and Francesca are officially a couple right now. There isn't much to say, I just don't talk to both of them. 

I still haven't heard anything from Leon. I miss him so much and it really hurts. What if he finds another girl there? No, he only loves me. Forever. At least I hope so. But is our love that strong? We weren't even together...I hope he feels the connection between us too. 

It's a Sunday and theweather isn't that great but not bad either. It's just pretty cloudy and getting cold. It's autumn and I finally should dress like it is, I don't want to get a cold! 

I just go and go and go and go...I think about Leon all the time. I just can't stop. I guess that's what love is like. 

A boy walks past me but I don't give him attention. I only can think of Leon.


What...oh my gosh! It's him!


I shout loudly and cry.

I hug him tightly and he just doesn't understand me. He probably thinks that I hate him.

"I've missed you so much! Finally you are here again! It's so great to see you!"

"Are you crying?"

"'s just that I'm so happy that you're finally here. I waited for you to come back!"



Then I see a girl with short dark brown hair walking to us. She smiles at Leon and gives him ice cream. Then she looks at me.

"Oh my gosh, what has happened? Why are you crying?", no! He can't have a girlfriend!

I look at Leon and ask him: "Is that your girlfriend?"

He nods and the girl says: "I'm Gery, nice to meet you!"

"Violetta...", I say quietly.


"I'm Violetta", I say louder. "I have to go...see you around"

I leave and tears go all over my face. I go to Angie's apartment and as she opens the door, I run to the couch and cry into a pillow. 

"Omg Vilu! What happened?", says Angie with a worried expression on her face.


"What is with him?"

"He's back"

"But that's great! You waited for him to come for so long and now-"

"He's got a girlfriend"



"Vilu, I'm so so sorry!", Angie says and hugs me. I cry even more.

"Do you want to stay here over the night?"

"Yes, please!"

"Okay, I'll call your dad", she says, grabs the phone and goes into the kitchen. 

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