Chapter 20 (Finale)

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Thanks for all the sweet comments. This will be the final chapter, I hope you like it!

I wake up as Olga runs into my room and screams: "Wake up!"

"But what-", I begin but then look at my alarm clock. 10am?! That's when my lessons begin! "Oh no!"

"Oh yes, now change quickly and go to the studio!", Olga says and leaves my room.

I go to the bathroom and clean my teeth. I put on make-up and look into the mirror. That's me. 
Friends? Why friends? He's the one. I can't let him go.

I leave the bathroom and take my phone.

I write him a message:

Meet me in the park

I quickly get dressed. I put on a light blue top, a salmon pink skirt and put on a fitting jacket. 

"I'll get home a bit later!", I shout as I grab my bag and leave the house.

As I get to the park, nobody's there (think of the park where Vilu's first kiss was in Violetta). I look at the bench and go to it. 
Before I get there I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see him.

"So?", he mumbles.

"I need to tell you something. And I should have done it a lot earlier...and you should know, I really mean it"

"I have to tell you something too"

"I love you", both of us say at the same time.

I blush and smile. He comes closer to me. 

"I waited for this for such a long time", he said.

"Me too", I kissed himHe kissed me back. That's how it should be. I'll never let him go. Forever.


Author's noteI know it isn't really a long chapter, but I had to write it. 
This is the end of my first story.
I don't know if anyone of you read this since the beginning, I started this like 8 months ago. Now it's completed...
I think we all know who her prince is, don't we?

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