Chapter 18

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"No, I...I can't do this...", I say.

"But we like each other!"

"You've just broken up with your girlfriend, you need a break now..."

"But you know what I feel for you...and I know what you feel for me, why don't we try it at least?"


"So yo say that I need more time? But everything I want is right in front of me"

"Leon...I don't want to be something like the person that you use to come over Gery..."

"No, Vilu...I don't love her, I never did"

"Why would you really be with a person you don't love?"

"I thought I could never get over you..."

"Why do you want to be with me again then?"

"Now there is no distance between us. I'm still the boy you first met"

"That's hard to believe...", I say and look down. 

"How could I prove you?"

"I don't know...I want to get to know you a bit've changed for sure"

"But on the other hand I'm still the same"

"Maybe...we'll see", I say and get going.

"No, wait, it's dark!", Leon shouts and runs after me. "Let me make sure nothing happens to you"

"Um, okay, come with me"

Leon takes me home and we talk about so many things, it's really funny.

"So, here we are", he says. 

", we'll see each other tomorrow?"

" there anything special you wanna do?"

"We could go to the cinema?"

"Sure, if it's not a romantic movie..."

"Pleeaaaseeee", I beg.


"You can't do this to me!"

"I sure can"

"I'd do anything!"

"Anything?", he winks.

"Eh, you know what, you choose"

"Ow, okay"


"You'll see", he says winking again.

"Seriously? Okay...good night", I say and get going.



"Don't I get a goodnightkiss?"

"Are you a little kid or what?", I say laughing.

"If I get a kiss", he smirks. 

I give him a kiss on the cheek. "Satisfied?" 

"Yup, good night", he says and leaves. He was so cute to me today. I wonder if it could always be like this...?

I enter the house and sneak up to my room.

"Violetta!", I hear someone shouting. My dad. "Where have you been?"

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