Chapter 17

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"What? But why?", he asks.

"Don't act like you don't know"

" still like me?"

"Of course I do, haven't you understood that the whole time?!"

"Well, I...why were you going out with Alex then?!"

"He seemed to like me and I thought maybe I could forget you then, but no, none of those two things are right"

"But he does like you"

"Well, only you think so"

"Why are you saying that?"

"I think he likes your girlfriend, she probably likes him back, who knows. They seemed very happy with each other", I say and let Leon alone.

Leon's P.O.V.

What is she saying?! Of course Gery loves me but why would Vilu lie? I'll just ask Gery. I'm on my way to Gery's house but I stop at the park. I see Alex there and the girl he's kissing isn't Vilu. It's my girlfriend.

"But what are you doing?!", I say as I run over to them.

"It's not like it looks like...", Gery says but then looks at Alex and continues talking. "Okay, it is. Leon, I'm so sorry, but you're in love with Violetta and then I met Alex and-"

"Wait, you knew?! You knew it the whole time?!"

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

"But...I didn't want to hurt you because I thought you loved me..."

"I did...when we were in Mexico. But this city, Buenos Aires, changed everything"

"Yeah, it changes lots of's the best to break up then, and Alex, take care of her", I say.

"I will", Alex answers and puts his hands on Gery's shoulder. 

There's only one thing left now. 

Violetta's P.O.V.

It's 6pm as I get a message from Fran.

Hey Vilu,
Someone's got a surprise for you!
Put on the cutest outfit you have
and come to the park at 7pm.
Don't be late.
PS. don't wait for me there

Well, okay, this is strange. Fran wants me to come to the park at 7pm but she won't be there? Weird. But if I don't go, she'll be angry. But dad probably won't let me. If I ask him, he'll look if I really stay in my room. I'll have to sneak out. I get dressed quickly (outfit in media) and go to the park.

It's pretty cold, it's still autumn. But how am I supposed to find whatever is prepared for me if Fran didn't tell me where exactly?!

"Violetta?", a voice from behind me says.

"Leon", I say surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I think Fran told you"

"You, you are the surprise? But what's with Gery?"

"What should be with her?"

"Never mind"

"You look beautiful by the way"

"Thanks...", I mumble and he takes my hand. It's warm. He takes me to our "usual" place. The bench with the tree full of blooms over it. But they're beginning to fall. Everywhere are candles. It must have been a lot of work for him.

"I and Gery broke up"

"But why?"

"It's like you said. I caught them kissing each other"

"So're only here with me to get over her?!"

"That's not true and you know that...I always loved you...and I always will love you", he says and comes closer to me. His lips touch mine.

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