Chapter 8

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F: Marco!
M: It's so great to see you!
*They hug*
D: Ehem...
F: Oh, Marco, this is Diego, Diego, this is Marco.
D: And who is that 'Marco'?
F: He was my boyfriend once...
D: Oh...
M: Nice to meet you.
D: ...I gotta go. See you later.
F: Diego, wait!
*Diego leaves*
M: Strange guy...
F: ...since when are you here again?
M: A few days.
F: And why?
M: Because of you. I still love you, Fran.
F: But Marco...
*Marco tries to kiss Fran*
F: No, stop!
M: What...why?
F: I don't love you anymore! What we had was a long time ago!
M: Not a that long time ago...
F: A long time ago!
M: So what?
F: I can't do this. Please leave.
M: But Fran, -
F: Leave!
M: ...
*Marco leaves*

Violetta's POV

I: Oh, Diego, you are here again!
D: Yes, here am I!
I: father said something about why I could have been at the began with 'Le-' you know what it could have been?
D: I don't wanna lie to you but...okay, I'll tell you the truth...when we were together-
I: We are a couple?
D: No, we were. Then appeared a guy. His name is Leon.
I: I know that name from somewhere...Leon...that's a very beautiful name...
D: Eh, yes, he is my cousin.
I: Oh...
D: And you kind of liked each didn't betray were about to betray me tho...
I: I? Betray someone? Wow, sounds like I'm a horrible person...
D: No, you aren' liked couldn't do anything about the way that you feel...and you didn't want to hurt me so you didn't break up with me...
I: So yiu aren't angry?
D: No, I'm not. Let's just start again. As friends.
I: Sure, I like that. Do you have a photo of that Leon?
D: No, I'm sorry. We aren't really friends...
I: Oh...because of me?
D: No, we didn't really like each other before that much...
I: Are you and that girl that was here a couple?
D: Francesca and I? No...
I: Oh...Francesca is her name...I thought you were...but why did I look for Leon?
D: Your father didn't allow you to see him. You just left and looked for him everywhere. You really were in love with him...
I: So he's probably just an amazing guy...can I see him?
D: I don't know where he is...he has probably left to Mexico...
I: And where are we?
D: Argentina.
I: Oh...are you sure he left?
D: I don't know why he shouldn't have left.
I: ...and did I like my dad?
D: Yes, sure, you loved him but he always was very strict. You had to do what he wanted.
I: ...
D: ...I have to go was nice talking to you. See you.
I: Bye...
*Diego leaves*

*The doctor comes in*
Doctor: How are you feeling, Ms. Castillo?
I: Not that well...I need silence...please...
Doctor: Okay, I'll leave you alone now. For today no one will visit you anymore.
I: Thanks.
*The doctor leaves*

Leon's POV

Where is she? ...

*The phone rings*

I: Diego, what do you want?
D: Violetta wants to see you, you know...
I: You love Violetta, why should you tell me that?
D: I don't love her anymore...I'm in love with a different girl now.
I: So?
D: Violetta had an accident.
I: WHAT?!?
D: At the motorcross. She was looking for you.
I: How is she???
D: She's okay now, but-
I: But what?
D: She lost all her memories. The doctors don't know if she will ever get them back...
I: she doesn't remember me?
D: Not really. We talked about you.
I: Why did you talk about me with her?!?
D: She asked what her dad meant when he said 'Le-"...and I told her about you. About everything what happened.
I: And you didn't lie to her?
D: Nope.
I: So you only said the truth?
D: Yep.
I: In which hospital is she?
D: Hospital Naval.
I: Room?
D: I don't know, I forgot...just ask for her there...
I: Thanks...I don't know why you are doing this for me...but I really love her.
D: I believe you.
I: Bye...
*Leon hangs up*

I: Good evening, Miss. Could you please tell me in which room Violetta Castillo is?
Receptionist: Yes, she is in room 135.
I: Thanks.
Receptionist: Wait, you may not visit her. She needs silence.
I: And when may I visit her?
Receptionist: Tomorrow.
I: But tomorrow I'm leaving to Mexico...
Receptionist: I'm sorry...

I have to find a way to get to her.

Room 135.

Okay, here it is.

Doctor: Hey, you may not enter here.
I: But I need to see her.
Doctor: She doesn't feel well.
I: She told you
Doctor: Yes.
I: And when will she feel better.
Doctor: Probably tomorrow.
I: But I need to see her today!
Doctor: It's late, why don't you go home and come again tomorrow?
I: Okay...
*The doctor leaves*

Violetta's POV

*Somebody opens the door quietly*

Who is there? That's so one will try to kill me, everything is okay, I only imagined that.

The next thing that I feel is a kiss on my lips. A long kiss. His lips are warm.

I: Who are you?
?: Don't be so loud, I may not be here.
I: Who are you?!? If you don't tell, I'll shout!
?: I' don't remember me...
I: I don't. So, who are you?
?: I'm Le-

*Somebody opens the door*

Doctor: Miss Castillo! What is this guy doing here?!? I told you to go home!
Le-: And I told you that I need to talk to her.
Doctor: Leave, NOW!
I: No, boy, wait!
Le-: May I stay?
Doctor: Miss Castillo, are you sure you want him to stay?
I: Hm...yes.
Doctor: Okay, I'll leave you two alone.

*The doctor leaves*

Le-: I'm Leon. Leon Vargas.
I: So yo are that Leon that Diego was talking about...
Leon: Yes...
I: He's your cousin?
Leon: Yes.
I: And I'm here because of you?
Leon: What?
I: If I was looking for you, it's kind of your fault or not?
Leon: What?!? NO!
I: Why was I even looking for you? So that an accident happens and that you come here at midnight to kiss me?!?
Leon: Okay, I can leave if you want!
I: ...okay, go, leave.
Leon: Okay.

*Leon stands up and goes to the door*

Leon: So now you won't ever see me again. 
I: ...why are you saying that?
Leon: Do you even want to see me again?
I: No.
Leon: I'm leaving.
I: Okay, just go home.
Leon: No, I mean, I'm leaving to Mexico.
I: What? When?
Leon: Tomorrow. That's why I had to go here to see you. I...I love you.
I: ...
Leon: Bye, Violetta.
I: No, Leon, wait.
Leon: ...
I: Come here.
Leon: Okay.

*Leon goes to Violetta's bed and sits down on it*

I: Diego told me everything. About my and his relationship. Then you appered.'s all so much. He said I would have betrayed him if he didn't break up with me. Is that true?
Leon: Probably...
I: ...but why would I betray my boyfriend?
Leon: Because you didn't love him.
I: But why was I together with him?
Leon: You knew that he loved you. Then I appeared. And then you suddenly were a couple. You weren't before I appeared. Diego told me that. He said that you probably just wanted to make me jealous. 
I: ...
Leon: When your memories come back, you'll feel that you love me. Now it's not too late. Tomorrow it is. Please come with me.
I: If you love me, why don't you stay?
Leon: I have to go.
I: I have to stay.
Leon: ...
I: ...I don't know why I don't want you to leave but...please stay.
Leon: Maybe your memories are coming back...
I: ...but maybe a new start is good. Without my old memories.
Leon: Do you really think so?
I: I don't know...
Leon: So you want to forget what you feel for me?
I: What I felt you mean. 
Leon: ...
I: I don't feel anything now, maybe I never felt anything for you. Maybe I loved Diego. 
Leon: I don't think so. You hate him! For that what he did to me!
I: I feel like you did more to him and he to you.
Leon: He just didn't tell you about what he did! That's why you were looking for me. That's why I had to leave the studio. 
I: So now you say it's his fault! Do you even hear yourself talking?!?
Leon: I thought you would believe me. I thought you still are like you were. Maybe that is your real self. And I really can't love you like that. I don't know why you are like that or if you're afraid of something. I really loved you. I thought you did so too. I really thought you would still love me and this accident wouldn't change anything. I really did. Seems like I was wrong. I better leave now.
I:, don't...
Leon: Why? Why? You say that I shouldn't leave? Just give me a reason.
I: ...
Leon: I see...

*Leon leaves*

What the hell did just happen?

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