Chapter 4

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Sorry for not updating, I was on vacation, but now I'm back!

Violetta's POV

Dad: YOU won't ever do that again!
I: Do what again?
Dad: Go to anyone's house and sleep there without telling me where you are!
I: Do you want to know where I was?
Dad: Yes, I do. Tell me.
I: I slept at my boyfriend's apartment.
Dad: WHAT?!?
Of course, as I thought. He's super-angry.
I: That what I said! And now excuse me! I go to my room!
Dad: Wait, Violetta!
I: What?
Dad: We'll talk about your boyfriend, whoever he is, later. I want you to meet your new teacher. Angie.
I: I don't want to meet her. And now let me. Please.
Dad: Okay, then you'll meet her when we eat dinner.
I: I'm not hungry.
Dad: Dinner isn't right now.
I: I won't be hungry. I want to go to bed.
Dad: It's only 8pm.
I: I'm tired.
Dad: Okay...good night.

*Violetta goes up to her room*
Why doesn't he understand me? And why is he that angry first and then he's suddenly so calmed?!? 
*A phone rings*
I: Hello?
D: Violetta. Hey. 
I: Hey.
D: How are you?
I: Not good. I told my dad about us.
D: And what did he say?
I: Actually not about us...just said that I slept at my boyfriend's apartment...
D: And he didn't ask who your boyfriend is?
I: I'll tell him when he'll ask. If he doesn't ask, he won't know who my boyfriend is.
D: I love you.
I: I...I love yo too.
D: Good night.
I: Night.
Hung up. Maybe I just should go to bed.

(It's morning, at the studio)
D: Hey, babe.
I: Hey.
L: Have you told your dad that I'm your boyfriend?
I: No, Leon, I
L: Have you just called me Leon?
I: I...I don't understand...
L: I'm not Leon. I'm Diego!

*Violetta wakes up*
Oh...just a dream. What...oh god...
Omg, shit, 10am! I'm late!
*Violetta quickly prepares herself for the studio and goes there*

(At the studio)
D: Where is she?
L: How can I know? She's your girlfriend!
I: I'm so sorry! I didn't hear my alarm clock!
L: It's okay.
D: No, it's not! Promise me that this won't happen again. We haven't got much time for this exercise!
I: Ehm...okay...
What is up to Diego?!? Why is he like that?!? Usually he's never like that. Maybe something is with him. I should talk to him later.
D: Did you tell your dad?
I: No...we've got enough problems right now.
D: Do you want to say that I am a problem for you and your dad?!?
I: NO! I mean that my dad and I argue a lot and I don't want to argue with him. And if I tell him, he probably won't let me out of the house so I can't see you because he does not like you so yes, I think it's better if he doesn't know!
D: Sorry...
L: Are you okay?
D: Yes, I'm fine.
L: I meant Violetta.
I: Oh, yes, I'm okay...sorry, Diego, I'm just a bit stressed. Let's just begin with the work. Oh, before I forget. I've actually begun with a song and I thought that it fits to the idea I had!
L: May I see it?
I: Sure.
*Violetta gives Leon the song*
L: Habla si puedes, grita que sientes, dime a quien quieres y te hace feliz...that are amazing lyrics! Is that all you have?
I: Yes, but I'm still working on it.
Did I just blush?!?
D: When have you begun writing this song?
I: When we got the exercise.
D: Ah.
I: ...
L: ...Why don't we work on the song all together? We could meet after the classes!
I: Oh, yeah, sure! Where could we meet?
L: I don't know...
D: Guys, I haven't got time this afternoon...sorry...
L:, Vilu and I will meet alone this afternoon.
D: Vilu? Since when do you call her Vilu?
L: Ehm...I don't know...
I: ANYWAYS! So, Leon, do you know a good place where to meet?
L: It's not my home town, is it?
I: come to me!
L: To your home?
D: I thought your father doesn't like it when boys are at your home.
I: Yes, that's right but he's not at home the whole day, took his girlfriend with him and Olga and Romallo got both the day off. So, yes, I and Leon will be alone.
D: ...

(In the afternoon)
I: Habla si puedes, grita que sientes, dime a quien quieres y te hace feliz, habla si puedes, grita si temes, dime a quien quieres y te hace feliz, abrazame, quiero espertarme y entender
L: You really sing amazing!
I: LEON! ...Why do people always scare me like that?!?
L: Because your reaction is cute.
I: did you get in?
L: The door was opened...
I: WHAT!?! Have you closed it after that you came in?
L: Yes, I have.
I: Wait...when did you begin watching me?!?
L: Do you know that you're cute when you're angry? ...and you're even cuter when you're blushing!
I You know that this is embarrassing, right?
L: Hahaha, anyways!
I: Do you want something to drink?
L: No, thanks.
I: let's just gebin with our work...

(2 hours later)
I: So that would be:

Si es que no puedes hablar 
no te atrevas a volver 
si te quieres ocultar
tal vez te podria haber 
y el amor que no sabe a quien y que
hablarà si tu verdad
te abrazaré otra vez 

habla si puedes 
grita que sientes 
dime a quien quieres 
y te hace feliz 

si no puedes escuchar 
aunque insiste hablaré 
si lo quieres mírame 
y tus ojos hablaré tal vez 
sentiras y el amor iré tras el 
hablaras si tu verdad 
te abrazarà otra vez 
habla si puedes 
grita que sientes 
dime a quien quieres 
y te hace feliz 

habla si puedes 
grita si temes 
dime a quien quieres 
y te hace feliz 

quiero despertarme y entender 
habla si puedes 
grita si temes 
dime a quien quieres 
y que haces aquì 
habla si puedes 
grita que sientes 
dime a quien quieres 
y te hace feliz 
y te hace feliz

L: Wow...that sounds amazing!
I: Yes! We are a good team!
*Violetta and Leon look in each others yes, Leon gets closer to her and leans in to kiss her*
?: STOP!

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